#!/usr/bin/perl # # The world's most insecure web-based PVR manager and streaming proxy for get_iplayer # ** WARNING ** Never run this in an untrusted environment or facing the internet # # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Phil Lewis # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Phil Lewis # Email: iplayer2 (at sign) linuxcentre.net # Web: http://linuxcentre.net/iplayer # License: GPLv3 (see LICENSE.txt) # my $VERSION = 2.82; use strict; use CGI ':all'; use CGI::Cookie; use IO::File; use File::Copy; use HTML::Entities; use URI::Escape; use LWP::ConnCache; #use LWP::Debug qw(+); use LWP::UserAgent; use IO::Handle; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use File::Basename; use constant IS_WIN32 => $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 0; $| = 1; my $fh; # Send log messages to this fh my $se = *STDERR; my $opt_cmdline; $opt_cmdline->{debug} = 0; # Allow bundling of single char options Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); # cmdline opts take precedence GetOptions( "help|h" => \$opt_cmdline->{help}, "listen|address|l=s" => \$opt_cmdline->{listen}, "port|p=n" => \$opt_cmdline->{port}, "ffmpeg=s" => \$opt_cmdline->{ffmpeg}, "getiplayer|get_iplayer|g=s" => \$opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, "debug" => \$opt_cmdline->{debug}, ) || die usage(); # Display usage if old method of invocation is used or --help usage() if $opt_cmdline->{help} || @ARGV; # Usage sub usage { my $text = sprintf "get_iplayer Web PVR Manager v%.2f, ", $VERSION; $text .= <<'EOF'; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Phil Lewis This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; See the GPLv3 for details. Options: --listen,-l Use the built-in web server and listen on this interface address (default: --port,-p Use the built-in web server and listen on this TCP port --getiplayer,-g Path to the get_iplayer script --ffmpeg Path to the ffmpeg binary --debug Debug mode --help,-h This help text EOF print $text; exit 1; } # Some defaults my $default_modes = 'flashaachigh,flashaacstd,flash,realaudio,flashaaclow'; $opt_cmdline->{ffmpeg} = 'ffmpeg' if ! $opt_cmdline->{ffmpeg}; $opt_cmdline->{listen} = '' if ! $opt_cmdline->{listen}; # Search for get_iplayer if ( ! $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer} ) { for ( './get_iplayer', './get_iplayer.cmd', './get_iplayer.pl', '/usr/bin/get_iplayer' ) { $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer} = $_ if -x $_; } } if ( ( ! $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer} ) || ! -f $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer} ) { print "ERROR: Cannot find get_iplayer, please specify its location using the --getiplayer option.\n"; exit 2; } # Path to get_iplayer (+ set HOME env var cos apache seems to not set it) my $home = $ENV{HOME}; my %prog; my @pids; my @displaycols; # Field names to be grabbed from get_iplayer my @headings = qw( index thumbnail pid available type name episode versions duration desc channel categories timeadded guidance web seriesnum episodenum filename mode ); # Default Displayed headings my @headings_default = qw( thumbnail type name episode desc channel categories timeadded ); # Lookup table for nice field name headings my %fieldname = ( index => 'Index', pid => 'Pid', available => 'Availability', type => 'Type', name => 'Name', episode => 'Episode', versions => 'Versions', duration => 'Duration', desc => 'Description', channel => 'Channel', categories => 'Categories', thumbnail => 'Image', timeadded => 'Time Added', guidance => 'Guidance', web => 'Web Page', pvrsearch => 'PVR Search', comment => 'Comment', filename => 'Filename', mode => 'Mode', seriesnum => 'Series Number', episodenum => 'Episode Number', 'name,episode' => 'Name+Episode', 'name,episode,desc' => 'Name+Episode+Desc', ); my %cols_order = (); my %cols_names = (); my %prog_types = ( tv => 'BBC TV', radio => 'BBC Radio', podcast => 'BBC Podcast', livetv => 'Live BBC TV', liveradio => 'Live BBC Radio', ); my %prog_types_order = ( 1 => 'tv', 2 => 'radio', 3 => 'podcast', 4 => 'livetv', 5 => 'liveradio', ); # Get list of currently valid and prune %prog types and add new entry chomp( my @plugins = split /,/, join "\n", get_cmd_output( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nopurge', '--nocopyright', '--listplugins' ) ); for my $type (keys %prog_types) { if ( $prog_types{$type} && not grep /$type/, @plugins ) { # delete from %prog_types hash delete $prog_types{$type}; # Delete from %prog_types_order hash for ( keys %prog_types_order ) { delete $prog_types_order{$_} if $prog_types_order{$_} eq $type; } } } for my $type ( @plugins ) { if ( not $prog_types{$type} ) { $prog_types{$type} = $type; # Add to %prog_types_order hash my $max = scalar( keys %prog_types_order ) + 1; $prog_types_order{$max} = $type; } } #print "DEBUG: prog_types_order: $_ => $prog_types_order{$_}\n" for sort keys %prog_types_order; my $icons_base_url = './icons/'; my $cgi; my $nextpage; # Page routing based on NEXTPAGE CGI parameter my %nextpages = ( 'search_progs' => \&search_progs, # Main Programme Listings 'search_history' => \&search_history, # Recorded Programme Listings 'pvr_queue' => \&pvr_queue, # Queue Recording of Selected Progs 'recordings_delete' => \&recordings_delete, # Delete Files for Selected Recordings 'pvr_list' => \&show_pvr_list, # Show all current PVR searches 'pvr_del' => \&pvr_del, # Delete selected PVR searches 'pvr_add' => \&pvr_add, 'pvr_edit' => \&pvr_edit, 'pvr_save' => \&pvr_save, 'pvr_run' => \&pvr_run, 'record_now' => \&record_now, 'show_info' => \&show_info, 'refresh' => \&refresh, 'update_script' => \&update_script, ); ##### Options ##### my $opt; # Options Layout on page tabs my $layout; $layout->{BASICTAB}->{title} = 'Search Options', $layout->{BASICTAB}->{heading} = 'Search Options:', $layout->{BASICTAB}->{order} = [ qw/ SEARCH SEARCHFIELDS PROGTYPES HISTORY URL / ]; $layout->{SEARCHTAB}->{title} = 'Advanced Search'; $layout->{SEARCHTAB}->{heading} = 'Advanced Search Options:'; $layout->{SEARCHTAB}->{order} = [ qw/ VERSIONLIST EXCLUDE CATEGORY EXCLUDECATEGORY CHANNEL EXCLUDECHANNEL SINCE BEFORE FUTURE / ], $layout->{DISPLAYTAB}->{title} = 'Display'; $layout->{DISPLAYTAB}->{heading} = 'Display Options:'; $layout->{DISPLAYTAB}->{order} = [ qw/ SORT REVERSE PAGESIZE HIDE HIDEDELETED / ]; $layout->{COLUMNSTAB}->{title} = 'Columns'; $layout->{COLUMNSTAB}->{heading} = 'Column Options:'; $layout->{COLUMNSTAB}->{order} = [ qw/ COLS / ]; $layout->{RECORDINGTAB}->{title} = 'Recording'; $layout->{RECORDINGTAB}->{heading} = 'Recording Options:'; $layout->{RECORDINGTAB}->{order} = [ qw/ OUTPUT MODES PROXY SUBTITLES METADATA THUMB PVRHOLDOFF FORCE AUTOWEBREFRESH AUTOPVRRUN REFRESHFUTURE / ]; $layout->{STREAMINGTAB}->{title} = 'Streaming'; $layout->{STREAMINGTAB}->{heading} = 'Streaming Options:'; $layout->{STREAMINGTAB}->{order} = [ qw/ BITRATE VSIZE VFR STREAMTYPE / ]; $layout->{HIDDENTAB}->{title} = ''; $layout->{HIDDENTAB}->{heading} = ''; $layout->{HIDDENTAB}->{order} = [ qw/ SAVE SEARCHTAB COLUMNSTAB DISPLAYTAB RECORDINGTAB STREAMINGTAB PAGENO INFO NEXTPAGE ACTION / ]; # Order of displayed tab buttoms (BASICTAB and HIDDEN are always displayed regardless of order) $layout->{taborder} = [ qw/ BASICTAB SEARCHTAB DISPLAYTAB COLUMNSTAB RECORDINGTAB STREAMINGTAB HIDDENTAB / ]; # Any params that should never get into the get_iplayer pvr-add search my @nosearch_params = qw/ /; ### Perl CGI Web Server ### use Socket; use IO::Socket; my $IGNOREEXIT = 0; # If the port number is specified then run embedded web server if ( $opt_cmdline->{port} > 0 ) { # Autoreap zombies $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; # Need this because with $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE', backticks and systems calls always return -1 $IGNOREEXIT = 1; for (;;) { # Setup and create socket my $server = new IO::Socket::INET( Proto => 'tcp', LocalAddr => $opt_cmdline->{listen}, LocalPort => $opt_cmdline->{port}, Listen => SOMAXCONN, Reuse => 1, ); $server or die "Unable to create server socket: $!"; print $se "INFO: Listening on $opt_cmdline->{listen}:$opt_cmdline->{port}\n"; print $se "WARNING: Insecure Remote access is allowed, use --listen= to limit to this host only\n" if $opt_cmdline->{listen} ne ''; # Await requests and handle them as they arrive while (my $client = $server->accept()) { my $procid = fork(); die "Cannot fork" unless defined $procid; # Parent if ( $procid ) { close $client; next; } # Child $client->autoflush(1); my %request = (); my $query_string; my %data; { # Read Request local $/ = Socket::CRLF; while (<$client>) { # Main http request chomp; if (/\s*(\w+)\s*([^\s]+)\s*HTTP\/(\d.\d)/) { $request{METHOD} = uc $1; $request{URL} = $2; $request{HTTP_VERSION} = $3; # Standard headers } elsif (/:/) { my ( $type, $val ) = split /:/, $_, 2; $type =~ s/^\s+//; for ($type, $val) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } $request{lc $type} = $val; print "REQUEST HEADER: $type: $val\n" if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; # POST data } elsif (/^$/) { read( $client, $request{CONTENT}, $request{'content-length'} ) if defined $request{'content-length'}; last; } } } # Determine method and parse parameters if ($request{METHOD} eq 'GET') { if ($request{URL} =~ /(.*)\?(.*)/) { $request{URL} = $1; $request{CONTENT} = $2; $query_string = $request{CONTENT}; } $data{"_method"} = "GET"; } elsif ($request{METHOD} eq 'POST') { $query_string = parse_post_form_string( $request{CONTENT} ); $data{"_method"} = "POST"; } else { $data{"_method"} = "ERROR"; } # Log Request print $se "$data{_method}: $request{URL}\n"; # Is this the CGI or some other file request? if ( $request{URL} =~ /^\/?(iplayer|stream|recordings_delete|playlist.*|genplaylist.*|opml|)\/?$/ ) { # remove any vars that might affect the CGI #%ENV = (); @ARGV = (); # Setup CGI http vars print $se "QUERY_STRING = $query_string\n" if defined $query_string; $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = $query_string; $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'} = $request{URL}; $ENV{'COOKIE'} = $request{cookie}; $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} = $opt_cmdline->{port}; # respond OK to browser print $client "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", Socket::CRLF; # Invoke CGI run_cgi( $client, $query_string, $request{URL}, 'http://'.$request{host}.'/' ); # Else 404 } else { print $se "ERROR: 404 Not Found\n"; print $client "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", Socket::CRLF; print $client Socket::CRLF; print $client "404 Not Found"; $data{"_status"} = "404"; } # Close Connection close $client; # Exit child exit 0; } } # If we're running as a proper CGI from a web server... } else { # If we were called by a webserver and not the builtin webserver then seed some vars my $prefix = $ENV{REQUEST_URI}; my $request_uri; # remove trailing query $prefix =~ s/\?.*$//gi; my $query_string = $ENV{QUERY_STRING}; my $request_host = "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}${prefix}"; # determine whether http or https my $request_protocol = 'http'; if ( defined $ENV{'HTTPS'} ) { $request_protocol = $ENV{'HTTPS'}=='on'?'https':'http'; } my $request_host = "${request_protocol}://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}${prefix}"; $home = $ENV{HOME}; # Read POSTed data from STDIN if this is a form POST if ( $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'POST' ) { my $content; while ( ) { $content .= $_; } $query_string = parse_post_form_string( $content ); } run_cgi( *STDOUT, $query_string, undef, $request_host ); } exit 0; sub cleanup { my $signal = shift; print $se "INFO: Cleaning up PID $$ (signal = $signal)\n"; exit 0; } sub parse_post_form_string { my $form = $_[0]; my @data; while ( $form =~ /Content-Disposition:(.+?)--/sg ) { $_ = $1; # form-data; name = "KEY" m{name.+?"(.+?)"[\n\r\s]*(.+)}sg; my ($key, $val) = ( $1, $2 ); next if ! $1; $val =~ s/[\r\n]//g; $val =~ s/\+/ /g; # Decode entities first decode_entities($val); # url encode each entry $val =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; push @data, "$key=$val"; } return join '&', @data; } sub run_cgi { # Get filehandle for output $fh = shift; my $query_string = shift; my $request_uri = shift; my $request_host = shift; # Clean globals %prog = (); @pids = (); @displaycols = (); # new cgi instance $cgi->delete_all() if defined $cgi; $cgi = new CGI( $query_string ); # Get next page $nextpage = $cgi->param( 'NEXTPAGE' ) || 'search_progs'; # Process All options process_params(); # Set HOME env var for forked processes $ENV{HOME} = $home; my $action = $cgi->param( 'ACTION' ) || $request_uri; # Strip the leading '/' to get the action $action =~ s|^\/||g; # rewrite short-form backwards compatible URIs # e.g. http://server/stream?args -> http://server/get_iplayer.cgi?ACTION=stream&args # Stream from get_iplayer STDOUT (optionally transcoding if required) if ( $action eq 'stream' ) { my $ext = $cgi->param( 'OUTTYPE' ) || 'flv'; # Remove fileprefix $ext =~ s/^.*\.//g; # lowecase $ext = lc( $ext ); # Stream mime types (tweaked to work well in vlc) my %mimetypes = ( wav => 'audio/x-wav', flac => 'audio/x-flac', mp3 => 'audio/mpeg', aac => 'audio/mpeg', m4a => 'audio/mpeg', rm => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', mov => 'video/quicktime', mp4 => 'video/x-flv', avi => 'video/x-flv', flv => 'video/x-flv', asf => 'video/x-ms-asf', ); # Default mime type depending on mode ####$ext = 'flv' if $opt->{MODES}->{current} =~ /^flash/ && ! $ext; # Streamtype overrides any outtype $ext = $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current} if $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current} !~ /(none|^$)/i; # If mimetype is defined if ( $mimetypes{$ext} ) { my $notranscode = 0; # flv audio $mimetypes{flv} = 'audio/x-flv' if $opt->{PROGTYPES}->{current} =~ m{^(radio|liveradio|podcast)$}; # Output headers to stream # This will enable seekable: -Accept_Ranges=>'bytes', my $headers = $cgi->header( -type => $mimetypes{$ext}, -Connection => 'close' ); # Send the headers to the browser print $se "\r\nHEADERS:\n$headers\n"; #if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; print $fh $headers; # Default Recipies # Need to determine --type and then set the default --modes and default outtype for conversion if required if ( $opt->{PROGTYPES}->{current} eq 'livetv' ) { print $se "INFO: Transcoding disabled for livetv\n"; $notranscode = 1; $ext = 'flv'; } # No conversion for iphone radio as mp3 $ext = undef if $opt->{MODES}->{current} eq 'iphone' && $ext eq 'mp3'; # No conversion for realaudio radio as rm $ext = undef if $opt->{MODES}->{current} eq 'realaudio' && $ext eq 'rm'; # stream mp3 natively $ext = undef if $ext eq 'mp3'; # No conversion for flv ## $ext = undef if $ext eq 'flv'; # Disable transcoing if none is specified as OUTTYPE/STREAMTYPE - no point in doing this as we have then no idea of the mimetype ### Need a way to disable transcoding here - pass and check STREAMTYPE? if ( $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current} =~ /none/i ) { print $se "INFO: Transcoding disabled (OUTTYPE=none)\n"; $ext = undef; $notranscode = 1; } # no transcode if $ext is undefined stream_prog( $mimetypes{$ext}, $cgi->param( 'PID' ), $cgi->param( 'PROGTYPES' ), $opt->{MODES}->{current}, $ext, $notranscode, $opt->{BITRATE}->{current}, $opt->{VSIZE}->{current}, $opt->{VFR}->{current} ); } else { print $se "ERROR: Aborting client thread - output mime type is undetermined\n"; } } elsif ( $action eq 'direct' ) { # get filename first my $progtype = $cgi->param( 'PROGTYPES' ); my $pid = $cgi->param( 'PID' ); # If the modes list f set to nothing #my $mode = $opt->{MODES}->{current} || $opt->{MODES}->{default}; my $mode = $cgi->param( 'MODES' ); my $filename = get_direct_filename( $pid, $mode, $progtype ); # Use OUTTYPE for transcoding if required - get output ext # $cgi->param('STREAMTYPE') || $cgi->param('OUTTYPE') || 'flv' if $action eq 'playlistdirect'; my $ext = lc( $cgi->param('STREAMTYPE') || $cgi->param( 'OUTTYPE' ) ); # Remove fileprefix $ext =~ s/^.*\.//g; # get file source ext my $src_ext = $filename; $src_ext =~ s/^.*\.//g; # Stream mime types my %mimetypes = ( wav => 'audio/x-wav', flac => 'audio/x-flac', aac => 'audio/mpeg', m4a => 'audio/mpeg', mp3 => 'audio/mpeg', rm => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', mov => 'video/quicktime', mp4 => 'video/mp4', avi => 'video/x-flv', flv => 'video/x-flv', asf => 'video/x-ms-asf', ); # default recipies # Disable transcoding if none is specified as OUTTYPE/STREAMTYPE my $notranscode = 0; if ( $ext =~ /none/i ) { print $se "INFO: Transcoding disabled (OUTTYPE=none)\n"; $ext = $src_ext; $notranscode = 1; # cannot stream mp4/avi so transcode to flv # Add types here which you want re-muxed into flv #if ( $src_ext =~ m{^(mp4|avi|mov|mp3|aac)$} && ! $ext ) { } elsif ( $src_ext =~ m{^(mp4|avi|mov)$} && ! $ext ) { $ext = 'flv'; # Else Default to no transcoding } elsif ( ! $ext ) { $ext = $src_ext; } print $se "INFO: Streaming OUTTYPE:$ext MIMETYPE=$mimetypes{$ext} FILE:$filename to client\n"; # If type is defined if ( $mimetypes{$ext} ) { # Output headers # to stream # This will enable seekable -Accept_Ranges=>'bytes', my $headers = $cgi->header( -type => $mimetypes{$ext}, -Connection => 'close' ); # Send the headers to the browser print $se "\r\nHEADERS:\n$headers\n"; #if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; print $fh $headers; stream_file( $filename, $mimetypes{$ext}, $src_ext, $ext, $notranscode, $cgi->param( 'BITRATE' ), $cgi->param( 'VSIZE' ), $cgi->param( 'VFR' ) ); } else { print $se "ERROR: Aborting client thread - output mime type is undetermined\n"; } # Get a playlist for a specified 'PROGTYPES' } elsif ( $action eq 'playlist' || $action eq 'playlistdirect' || $action eq 'playlistfiles' ) { # Output headers my $headers = $cgi->header( -type => 'audio/x-mpegurl' ); # Send the headers to the browser print $se "\r\nHEADERS:\n$headers\n"; #if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; print $fh $headers; # determine output type my $outtype = $cgi->param('OUTTYPE') || 'flv'; $outtype = $cgi->param('STREAMTYPE') || $cgi->param('OUTTYPE') || 'flv' if $action eq 'playlistdirect'; # ( host, outtype, modes, progtype, bitrate, search, searchfields, action ) print $fh create_playlist_m3u_single( $request_host, $outtype, $opt->{MODES}->{current}, $opt->{PROGTYPES}->{current} , $cgi->param('BITRATE') || '', $opt->{SEARCH}->{current}, $opt->{SEARCHFIELDS}->{current} || 'name', $action ); # Get a playlist for a specified 'PROGTYPES' } elsif ( $action eq 'opml' ) { # Output headers my $headers = $cgi->header( -type => 'text/xml' ); # Send the headers to the browser print $se "\r\nHEADERS:\n$headers\n"; #if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; print $fh $headers; # ( host, outtype, modes, type, bitrate ) print $fh get_opml( $request_host, $cgi->param('OUTTYPE') || 'flv', $opt->{MODES}->{current}, $opt->{PROGTYPES}->{current} , $cgi->param('BITRATE') || '', $opt->{SEARCH}->{current}, $cgi->param('LIST') || '' ); # Get a playlist for a selected progs in form } elsif ( $action eq 'genplaylist' || $action eq 'genplaylistdirect' || $action eq 'genplaylistfile' ) { # Output headers my $headers = $cgi->header( -type => 'audio/x-mpegurl' ); # To save file #my $headers = $cgi->header( -type => 'audio/x-mpegurl', -attachment => 'get_iplayer.m3u' ); # Send the headers to the browser print $se "\r\nHEADERS:\n$headers\n"; #if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; print $fh $headers; # determine output type my $outtype = $cgi->param('OUTTYPE') || 'flv'; $outtype = $cgi->param('STREAMTYPE') || $cgi->param('OUTTYPE') if $action eq 'genplaylistdirect'; # ( host, outtype, modes, bitrate, action ) print $fh create_playlist_m3u_multi( $request_host, $outtype, $cgi->param('BITRATE') || '', $action ); # HTML page } else { # Output header and html start begin_html( $request_host ); # Page Routing form_header( $request_host ); #print $fh $cgi->Dump(); if ( $opt_cmdline->{debug} ) { print $fh $cgi->Dump(); #for my $key (sort keys %ENV) { # print $fh $key, " = ", $ENV{$key}, "\n"; #} } if ($nextpages{$nextpage}) { # call the correct subroutine $nextpages{$nextpage}->(); } form_footer(); html_end(); } $cgi->delete_all(); return 0; } sub pvr_run { print $fh "

The PVR will auto-run every $opt->{AUTOPVRRUN}->{current} hour(s) if you leave this page open

" if $opt->{AUTOPVRRUN}->{current}; print $se "INFO: Starting PVR Run\n"; my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nopurge', '--nocopyright', '--hash', '--pvr', ); #print $se "DEBUG: running: $cmd\n"; print $fh '
	# Redirect both STDOUT and STDERR to client browser socket
	run_cmd( $fh, $fh, 1, @cmd );
	print $fh '
'; print $fh p("PVR Run complete"); # Load the refresh tab if required my $autopvrrun = $cgi->cookie( 'AUTOPVRRUN' ) || $cgi->param( 'AUTOPVRRUN' ); # Render options actions print $fh div( { -class=>'action' }, ul( { -class=>'action' }, li( { -class=>'action' }, [ a( { -class=>'action', -title => 'Run PVR Now', -onClick => "RefreshTab( '?NEXTPAGE=pvr_run&AUTOPVRRUN=$autopvrrun', ".(1000*3600*$autopvrrun).", 1 );", }, 'PVR Run Now' ), a( { -class=>'action', -title => 'Close', -onClick => "window.close()", }, 'Close' ), ]), ), ); } sub record_now { my @record; # The 'Record' action button uses SEARCH to pass it's pvr_queue data if ( $cgi->param( 'SEARCH' ) ) { push @record, $cgi->param( 'SEARCH' ); } else { @record = ( $cgi->param( 'PROGSELECT' ) ); } my @params = get_search_params(); my $out; # If a URL was specified by the User (assume auto mode list is OK): if ( $opt->{URL}->{current} =~ m{^http://} ) { push @record, "$opt->{PROGTYPES}->{current}|$opt->{URL}->{current}|$opt->{URL}->{current}|-"; } print $fh "

Please leave this page open until the recording completes

"; # Render options actions print $fh div( { -class=>'action' }, ul( { -class=>'action' }, li( { -class=>'action' }, [ a( { -class=>'action', -title => 'Close', -onClick => "window.close()", }, 'Close' ), ]), ), ); print $fh "

Recording The Following Programmes

\n"; print $se "INFO: Starting Recording Now\n"; # Queue all selected 'TYPE|PID|NAME|EPISODE|MODE|CHANNEL' entries in the PVR for (@record) { chomp(); my ( $type, $pid, $name, $episode ) = (split /\|/)[0,1,2,3]; next if ! ($type && $pid ); my $comment = "$name - $episode"; my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nopurge', '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--hash', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( "pid=$pid", "type=$type", build_cmd_options( grep !/^(HISTORY|SINCE|BEFORE|HIDEDELETED|FUTURE|SEARCH|SEARCHFIELDS|VERSIONLIST|PROGTYPES|EXCLUDEC.+)$/, @params ) ), ); print $fh p("Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd ) ) if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; print $fh '
		# Redirect both STDOUT and STDERR to client browser socket
		run_cmd( $fh, $fh, 1, @cmd );
		print $fh '
'; } print $fh p("Recording complete"); return 0; } sub stream_prog { my ( $mimetype, $pid , $type, $modes, $ext, $notranscode, $abitrate, $vsize, $vfr ) = ( @_ ); # Default modes to try $modes = $default_modes if ! $modes; print $se "INFO: Start Streaming $pid to browser using modes '$modes', output ext '$ext', audio bitrate '$abitrate', video size '$vsize', video fram rate '$vfr'\n"; my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--hash', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( 'nopurge=1', "modes=$modes", 'stream=1', "pid=$pid", "type=$type" ), ); # If transcoding on the fly then use shell method of calling processes with a pipe if ( $ext && ! $notranscode ) { # workaround to add quotes around the args because we are using a shell here for ( @cmd ) { s/^(.+)$/"$1"/g if ! m{^[\-\"]}; } my $command = join(' ', @cmd); open(STDOUT, ">&", $fh ) || die "can't dup client to stdout"; # Enable buffering STDOUT->autoflush(0); $fh->autoflush(0); # add ffmpeg command pipe my @ffcmd = build_ffmpeg_args( '-', $mimetype, $ext, $abitrate, $vsize, $vfr ); # quote the ffmpeg binary $ffcmd[0] = "\"$ffcmd[0]\""; # Prepend the pipe unshift @ffcmd, '|'; $command .= ' '.join ' ', @ffcmd; print $se "DEBUG: Command: $command\n"; system( $command ); } else { run_cmd( $fh, $se, 100000, @cmd ); } print $se "INFO: Finished Streaming $pid to browser\n"; return 0; } # Stream a file to browser/client sub stream_file { my ( $filename, $mimetype, $src_ext, $ext, $notranscode, $abitrate, $vsize, $vfr ) = ( @_ ); print $se "INFO: Start Direct Streaming $filename to browser using mimetype '$mimetype', output ext '$ext', audio bitrate '$abitrate', video size '$vsize', video fram rate '$vfr'\n"; # If transcoding required (i.e. output ext != source ext) - OR, if one of the transcoing options is set if ( ( ! $notranscode ) && ( lc( $ext ) ne lc( $src_ext ) || $abitrate || $vsize || $vfr ) ) { $fh->autoflush(0); my @cmd = build_ffmpeg_args( $filename, $mimetype, $ext, $abitrate, $vsize, $vfr ); run_cmd( $fh, $se, 100000, @cmd ); print $se "INFO: Finished Streaming and transcoding $filename to browser\n"; } else { print $se "INFO: Streaming file directly: $filename\n"; if ( ! open( STREAMIN, "< $filename" ) ) { print $se "INFO: Cannot Read file '$filename'\n"; exit 4; } # Read each char from command output and push to socket fh my $char; my $bytes; # Assume that we don't want to buffer STDERR output of the command my $size = 100000; while ( $bytes = read( STREAMIN, $char, $size ) ) { if ( $bytes <= 0 ) { close STREAMIN; print $se "DEBUG: Stream thread has completed\n"; exit 0; } else { print $fh $char; print $se '#'; } last if $bytes < $size; } close STREAMIN; print $se "INFO: Finished Streaming $filename to browser\n"; } return 0; } sub build_ffmpeg_args { my ( $filename, $mimetype, $ext, $abitrate, $vsize, $vfr ) = ( @_ ); my @cmd_aopts; if ( $abitrate =~ m{^\d+$} ) { # if this is flv stream output then use the AAC codec if ( lc( $ext ) =~ m{^(flv|aac|m4a)$} ) { # Tweak: ffmpeg cannot understand aac or m4a as audio output formats - force flash audio $ext = 'flv' if lc( $ext ) =~ m{^(aac|m4a)$} && $mimetype =~ m{^audio}; push @cmd_aopts, ( '-acodec', 'libfaac', '-ab', "${abitrate}k" ); # else just copy the codec? } else { push @cmd_aopts, ( '-ab', "${abitrate}k" ); } } else { if ( lc( $ext ) eq 'flv' ) { # 160k is the max for libfaac! push @cmd_aopts, ( '-acodec', 'libfaac', '-ab', '160k' ); } # cannot copy code if for example we have an aac stream output as WAV (e.g. squeezebox liveradio flashaac) #push @cmd_aopts, ( '-acodec', 'copy' ); } my @cmd; # If conversion is necessary # Video if ( $mimetype =~ m{^video} ) { my @cmd_vopts; # Apply video size push @cmd_vopts, ( '-s', "${vsize}" ) if $vsize =~ m{^\d+x\d+$}; # Apply video framerate - caveat - bitrate defaults to 200k if only vfr is set push @cmd_vopts, ( '-r', $vfr ) if $vfr =~ m{^\d$}; # -sameq is bad ## Apply sameq if framerate only and no bitrate #push @cmd_vopts, '-sameq' if $vfr =~ m{^\d$} && $vsize !~ m{^\d+x\d+$}; # Add in the codec if we are transcoding and not remuxing the stream if ( @cmd_vopts ) { push @cmd_vopts, ( '-vcodec', 'libx264' ); } else { push @cmd_vopts, ( '-vcodec', 'copy' ); } @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{ffmpeg}, #'-f', $src_ext, # not required? '-i', $filename, @cmd_aopts, @cmd_vopts, '-f', $ext, '-', ); # Audio } else { @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{ffmpeg}, #'-f', $src_ext, # not required? '-i', $filename, '-vn', @cmd_aopts, '-ac', 2, '-f', $ext, '-', ); } print $se "DEBUG: Command args: ".(join ' ', @cmd)."\n"; return @cmd; } sub create_playlist_m3u_single { my ( $request_host, $outtype, $modes, $type, $bitrate, $search, $searchfields, $request ) = ( @_ ); my @playlist; $outtype =~ s/^.*\.//g; my $searchterm = $search; # this is already a wildcard default regex... if ( $search eq '.*' ) { $searchterm = '.*'; # if it's a URL then bypass regex stuff } elsif ( $search =~ m{^http} ) { $searchterm = $search; # make search term regex friendly } else { $searchterm =~ s|([\/\.\?\+\-\*\^\(\)\[\]\{\}])|\\$1|g; } print $se "INFO: Getting playlist for type '$type' using modes '$modes' and bitrate '$bitrate'\n"; my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( 'nopurge=1', "type=$type", 'listformat=ENTRY||||||', "fields=$searchfields", "search=$searchterm" ), ); # Only add history search if the request is of this type or is a PlayFile from localfiles type if ( ( $request eq 'playlistfiles' || $request eq 'playlistdirect' ) && ! ( $search =~ m{^/} && $searchfields eq 'pid' ) ) { push @cmd, '--history', '--skipdeleted'; } my @out = get_cmd_output( @cmd ); push @playlist, "#EXTM3U\n"; # Extract and rewrite into m3u format # /home/lewispj/mp3/Rock/radiohead/Ok Computer/radiohead - (07) fitter happier.mp3||(07) Fitter Happier|, , (256kbps/44.1kHz)|| for ( grep !/^(Added:|Matches|$)/ , @out ) { chomp(); my $url; my ( $pid, $name, $episode, $desc, $filename, $mode, $channel ) = (split /\|/)[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; #print $se "DEBUG: $pid, $name, $episode, $desc, $filename, $mode\n"; # sanitze modes && filename $mode = '' if $mode eq ''; $filename = '' if $filename eq ''; # playlist with direct streaming for files through webserver if ( $request eq 'playlistdirect' ) { next if ! ( $pid && $type && $mode ); $url = build_url_direct( $request_host, $type, $pid, $mode, basename( $filename ), $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current}, $opt->{HISTORY}->{current}, $opt->{BITRATE}->{current}, $opt->{VSIZE}->{current}, $opt->{VFR}->{current} ); # If pid is actually a filename then use it cos this is a local file type programme } elsif ( $request eq 'playlistfiles' && $pid =~ m{^/} ) { next if ! $pid; $url = search_absolute_path( $pid ) if $pid; # playlist with local files } elsif ( $request eq 'playlistfiles' ) { next if ! $filename; $url = search_absolute_path( $filename ); # playlist of proxied urls for streaming online prog via web server } else { next if ! ( $type && $pid ); my $suffix = "${pid}.${outtype}"; $url = build_url_stream( $request_host, $type, $pid, $mode || $modes, $suffix, $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current}, $opt->{BITRATE}->{current}, $opt->{VSIZE}->{current}, $opt->{VFR}->{current} ); } # Format required, e.g. ##EXTINF:-1,BBC Radio - BBC Radio One (High Quality Stream) push @playlist, "#EXTINF:-1,$type - $channel - $name - $episode - $desc"; push @playlist, "$url\n"; } print $se join ("\n", @playlist); return join ("\n", @playlist); } sub create_playlist_m3u_multi { my ( $request_host, $outtype, $bitrate, $request ) = ( @_ ); my @playlist; push @playlist, "#EXTM3U\n"; my @record = ( $cgi->param( 'PROGSELECT' ) ); # If a URL was specified by the User (assume auto mode list is OK): if ( $opt->{URL}->{current} =~ m{^http://} ) { push @record, "$opt->{PROGTYPES}->{current}|$opt->{URL}->{current}|$opt->{URL}->{current}|-"; } # Create m3u from all selected 'TYPE|PID|NAME|EPISODE|MODE|CHANNEL' entries in the PVR for (@record) { my $url; chomp(); my ( $type, $pid, $name, $episode, $mode, $channel ) = (split /\|/)[0,1,2,3,4,5]; next if ! ($type && $pid ); # playlist with direct streaming fo files through webserver if ( $request eq 'genplaylistdirect' ) { $url = build_url_direct( $request_host, $type, $pid, $mode, $outtype, $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current}, $opt->{HISTORY}->{current}, $opt->{BITRATE}->{current}, $opt->{VSIZE}->{current}, $opt->{VFR}->{current} ); # playlist with local files } elsif ( $request eq 'genplaylistfile' ) { # If pid is actually a filename then use it cos this is a local file type programme if ( $pid =~ m{^/} ) { my $filename = search_absolute_path( $pid ); $url = $filename if $filename; } else { # Lookup filename (add it if defined - even if relative) # check for -f $filename if you want to exclude files that cannot be found my $filename = get_direct_filename( $pid, $mode, $type ); $url = $filename if $filename; } # Uncomment this to make all playlists local for localfiles types # If pid is actually a filename then use it cos this is a local file type programme #} elsif ( $pid =~ m{^/} ) { # my $filename = search_absolute_path( $pid ); # $url = $filename if $filename; # playlist of proxied urls for streaming online prog via web server } else { my $suffix = "${pid}.${outtype}"; $url = build_url_stream( $request_host, $type, $pid, $mode || $opt->{MODES}->{current}, $suffix, $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current}, $opt->{BITRATE}->{current}, $opt->{VSIZE}->{current}, $opt->{VFR}->{current} ); } # Skip empty urls next if ! $url; # Format required, e.g. ##EXTINF:-1,BBC Radio - BBC Radio One (High Quality Stream) #http://localhost:1935/stream?PID=liveradio:bbc_radio_one&MODES=flashaac&OUTTYPE=bbc_radio_one.wav push @playlist, "#EXTINF:-1,$type - $channel - $name - $episode"; push @playlist, "$url\n"; } print $se join ("\n", @playlist); return join ("\n", @playlist); } sub get_opml { my ( $request_host, $outtype, $modes, $type, $bitrate, $search, $list ) = ( @_ ); my @playlist; $outtype =~ s/^.*\.//g; # # # # Grateful Dead - 1995-07-09-Chicago, IL # # # # # # # print $se "INFO: Getting playlist for type '$type' using modes '$modes', bitrate '$bitrate', search='$search' and list '$list'\n"; # Header push @playlist, "\n"; # Programmes if (! $list) { # Header push @playlist, "\t\n\t\t\n\t"; push @playlist, "\t"; # Extract and rewrite into playlist format my @out = get_cmd_output( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( 'nopurge=1', "type=$type", 'listformat=|||', "search=$search" ), ); for ( grep !/^(Added:|Matches|$)/, @out ) { chomp(); # Strip unprinatble chars s/(.)/(ord($1) > 127) ? "" : $1/egs; my ($pid, $name, $episode, $desc) = (split /\|/)[0,1,2,3]; next if ! ( $pid && $name ); push @playlist, "\t\t"; } # Top-level Menu } elsif ( lc($list) eq 'menu' ) { my %menu = ( 'BBC Live Radio (National)' => "${request_host}?ACTION=opml&PROGTYPES=liveradio&SEARCH=%20\\d&OUTTYPE=wav", 'BBC Live Radio (All)' => "${request_host}?ACTION=opml&PROGTYPES=liveradio&OUTTYPE=wav", 'BBC iPlayer Radio Listen Again'=> "${request_host}?ACTION=opml&PROGTYPES=radio&LIST=channel", ); # Header push @playlist, "\t\n\t\t\n\t"; push @playlist, "\t"; for my $item ( sort keys %menu ) { my $item_url = $menu{ $item }; #http://localhost:1935/opml?PROGTYPES=SEARCH=bbc+radio+1&MODES=${modes}&OUTTYPE=a.wav push @playlist, "\t\t"; } # Channels/Names etc } elsif ($list) { # Header push @playlist, "\t\n\t\t\n\t"; push @playlist, "\t"; # Extract and rewrite into playlist format my @out = get_cmd_output( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( 'nopurge=1', "type=$type", "list=$list", "channel=$search" ), ); for ( grep !/^(Added:|Matches|$)/, @out ) { my $suffix; chomp(); # Strip unprinatble chars s/(.)/(ord($1) > 127) ? "" : $1/egs; next if ! m{^.+\(\d+\)$}; my $item = $_; s/\s*\(\d+\)$//g; my $itemregex = '^'.$_.'$'; # URL encode it $itemregex =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; # Stateful addition of search terms $suffix = '&LIST=name' if $list eq 'channel'; # Format required, e.g. #http://localhost:1935/opml?PROGTYPES=SEARCH=bbc+radio+1&MODES=${modes}&OUTTYPE=a.wav push @playlist, "\t\t"; } } # Footer push @playlist, "\t\n"; return join ("\n", @playlist); } ### Playlist URL builders sub build_url_direct { my ( $request_host, $progtypes, $pid, $modes, $outtype, $streamtype, $history, $bitrate, $vsize, $vfr ) = ( @_ ); # Sanity check #print $se "DEBUG: building direct playback request using: PROGTYPES=${progtypes} PID=${pid} MODES=${modes} OUTTYPE=${outtype}\n"; # CGI::escape $_ = CGI::escape($_) for ( $progtypes, $pid, $modes, $outtype, $streamtype, $history, $bitrate, $vsize ); #print $se "DEBUG: building direct playback request using: PROGTYPES=${progtypes} PID=${pid} MODES=${modes} OUTTYPE=${outtype} BITRATE=${bitrate} VSIZE=${vsize} VFR=${vfr}\n"; # Build URL return "${request_host}?ACTION=direct&PROGTYPES=${progtypes}&PID=${pid}&MODES=${modes}&HISTORY=${history}&OUTTYPE=${outtype}&STREAMTYPE=${streamtype}&BITRATE=${bitrate}&VSIZE=${vsize}&VFR=${vfr}"; } # "${request_host}?ACTION=stream&PROGTYPES=${type}&PID=${pid}&MODES=${modes}&OUTTYPE=${suffix}"; sub build_url_stream { my ( $request_host, $progtypes, $pid, $modes, $outtype, $streamtype, $bitrate, $vsize, $vfr ) = ( @_ ); # Sanity check #print $se "DEBUG: building stream playback request using: PROGTYPES=${progtypes} PID=${pid} MODES=${modes} OUTTYPE=${outtype}\n"; # CGI::escape $_ = CGI::escape($_) for ( $progtypes, $pid, $modes, $outtype, $streamtype, $bitrate, $vsize, $vfr ); #print $se "DEBUG: building stream playback request using: PROGTYPES=${progtypes} PID=${pid} MODES=${modes} OUTTYPE=${outtype}\n"; # Build URL return "${request_host}?ACTION=stream&PROGTYPES=${progtypes}&PID=${pid}&MODES=${modes}&OUTTYPE=${outtype}&STREAMTYPE=${streamtype}&BITRATE=${bitrate}&VSIZE=${vsize}&VFR=${vfr}"; } # Play from Internet/'Play': ?ACTION=playlist &SEARCHFIELDS=pid &SEARCH=$pid &MODES=${modes} &PROGTYPES=${type} &OUTTYPE=${outtype}' ## 'PlayFile' - works with vlc # Play from local file/'PlayFile' ?ACTION=playlistfiles &SEARCHFIELDS=pid &SEARCH=$pid &MODES=${modes} &PROGTYPES=${type} ## 'PlayWeb' - not on vlc # Play from file on web server/'PlayWeb' ?ACTION=playlistdirect &SEARCHFIELDS=pid &SEARCH=$pid &MODES=${modes} sub build_url_playlist { my ( $request_host, $action, $searchfields, $search, $modes, $progtypes, $outtype, $streamtype, $bitrate, $vsize, $vfr ) = ( @_ ); # Sanity check #print $se "DEBUG: building $action request using: SEARCHFIELDS=${searchfields} SEARCH=${search} MODES=${modes} PROGTYPES=${progtypes} OUTTYPE=${outtype}\n"; # CGI::escape $_ = CGI::escape($_) for ( $action, $searchfields, $search, $modes, $progtypes, $outtype, $streamtype, $bitrate, $vsize, $vfr ); #print $se "DEBUG: building $action request using: SEARCHFIELDS=${searchfields} SEARCH=${search} MODES=${modes} PROGTYPES=${progtypes} OUTTYPE=${outtype}\n"; # Build URL return "${request_host}?ACTION=${action}&SEARCHFIELDS=${searchfields}&SEARCH=${search}&MODES=${modes}&PROGTYPES=${progtypes}&OUTTYPE=${outtype}&STREAMTYPE=${streamtype}&BITRATE=${bitrate}&VSIZE=${vsize}&VFR=${vfr}"; } # Update script # Generic # Updates and overwrites this script - makes backup as .old # Update logic: # If the get_iplayer.cgi script is unwritable then quit # update script sub update_script { my $update_url = 'http://www.infradead.org/get_iplayer/latest/get_iplayer.cgi'; # Get version URL my $script_file = $0; my $ua = create_ua('update'); # If the get_iplayer script is unwritable then quit - makes it harder for deb/rpm installed scripts to be overwritten if ( ! -w $script_file ) { print $se "ERROR: $script_file is not writable - aborting update\n"; exit 1; } print $se "INFO: Updating $script_file (from $VERSION)\n"; print $fh p("Updating $script_file (from $VERSION)"); if ( update_file( $ua, $update_url, $script_file ) ) { print $fh p("Updating Web PVR Manager Failed"); } else { print $fh p("Updating Web PVR Manager Succeeded - please restart the get_iplayer Web PVR Manager service"); } print $se "INFO: Updating get_iplayer\n"; my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--nopurge', '--update', ); print $fh '
	run_cmd( $fh, $se, 1, @cmd );
	print $fh '
'; print $fh p("Updated get_iplayer"); # Render options actions print $fh div( { -class=>'action' }, ul( { -class=>'action' }, li( { -class=>'action' }, [ a( { -class=>'action', -title => 'Go Back', -onClick => "history.back()", }, 'Back' ), ]), ), ); return 0; } sub create_ua { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout( 10 ); $ua->agent( "get_iplayer Web PVR Manager updater version $VERSION" ); $ua->conn_cache(LWP::ConnCache->new()); return $ua; }; # Generic # Gets the contents of a URL and retries if it fails, returns '' if no page could be retrieved # Usage = request_url_retry(, , , , []); sub request_url_retry { my %OPTS = @LWP::Protocol::http::EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS; $OPTS{SendTE} = 0; @LWP::Protocol::http::EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS = %OPTS; my ($ua, $url, $retries, $succeedmsg, $failmsg) = @_; my $res; # Malformed URL check if ( $url !~ m{^\s*http\:\/\/}i ) { print $se "ERROR: Malformed URL: '$url'\n"; return ''; } my $i; print $se "INFO: Getting page $url\n" if $opt->{verbose}; for ($i = 0; $i < $retries; $i++) { $res = $ua->request( HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ) ); if ( ! $res->is_success ) { print $se $failmsg; } else { print $se $succeedmsg; last; } } # Return empty string if we failed return '' if $i == $retries; return $res->content; } # Updates a file: # Usage: update_file( , , ) sub update_file { my $ua = shift; my $url = shift; my $dest_file = shift; my $res; # Download the file if ( not $res = request_url_retry($ua, $url, 3) ) { print $se "ERROR: Could not download update for ${dest_file} - Update aborted\n"; return 1; } # If the download was successful then copy over this file and make executable after making a backup of this script if ( -f $dest_file ) { if ( ! copy($dest_file, $dest_file.'.old') ) { print $se "ERROR: Could not create backup file ${dest_file}.old - Update aborted\n"; return 1; } } # Check if file is writable if ( not open( FILE, "> $dest_file" ) ) { print $se "ERROR: $dest_file is not writable by the current user - Update aborted\n"; return 1; } # Windows needs this binmode FILE; # Write contents to file print FILE $res; close FILE; chmod 0755, $dest_file; print $se "INFO: Downloaded $dest_file\n"; return 0; } # Invokes command in @args as a system call (hopefully) without using a shell # Can also redirect all stdout and stderr to either: STDOUT, STDERR or unchanged # Usage: run_cmd( <''|STDOUTFH>, <''|STDERRFH>, @args ) # Returns: exit code # Note: doesn't appear to work with 'in memory' filehandles sub run_cmd_unix { # Define what to do with STDOUT and STDERR of the child process my $fh_child_out = shift || "STDOUT"; my $fh_child_err = shift || "STDERR"; my @cmd = ( @_ ); my $rtn; print $se "INFO: Command: ".(join ' ', @cmd)."\n"; # if $opt->{verbose}; # Check if we have IPC::Open3 otherwise fallback on system() eval "use IPC::Open3"; # probably only likely in win32 if ($@) { print $se "ERROR: Please download and run latest installer - 'IPC::Open3' is not available\n"; exit 1; # Use open3() } else { #print $se "INFO: open3( 0, \">&".fileno($fh_child_out).", \">&".fileno($fh_child_err).", )\n"; # Don't use NULL for the 1st arg of open3 otherwise we end up with a messed up STDIN once it returns my $procid = open3( 0, ">&".fileno($fh_child_out), ">&".fileno($fh_child_err), @cmd ); # Wait for child to complete waitpid( $procid, 0 ); $rtn = $?; } # Interpret return code return interpret_return_code( $rtn ); } # Invokes command in @args as a system call (hopefully) without using a shell # Can also redirect all stdout and stderr to either: STDOUT, STDERR or unchanged # Usage: run_cmd( $stdout_fh, $stderr_fh, , @args ) # Returns: exit code sub run_cmd { # win32 kludge cos win is so broken return run_cmd_win32( @_ ) if IS_WIN32; # Define what to do with STDOUT and STDERR of the child process use IO::Select; use Symbol qw(gensym); my $fh_cmd_out = shift; my $fh_cmd_err = shift; my $size = shift; my $from = new IO::Handle; my $err = new IO::Handle; my @cmd = ( @_ ); my $rtn; $fh_cmd_out->autoflush(1); $fh_cmd_err->autoflush(1); print $se "INFO: Command: ".(join ' ', @cmd)."\n"; # if $opt->{verbose}; # Check if we have IPC::Open3 otherwise fallback on system() eval "use IPC::Open3"; # probably only likely in win32 if ($@) { print $se "ERROR: Please download and run latest installer - 'IPC::Open3' is not available\n"; exit 1; # Use open3() } else { my $procid; # Setup signal handlers so that when the browser is closed the SIGPIPE results in sending a SIGTERM to the forked command. local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { my $signal = shift; print $se "\nINFO: $$ Cleaning up (signal = $signal), killing cmd PID=$procid:\n"; for my $sig ( qw/INT PIPE TERM KILL/ ) { # Kill process with SIGs print $se "INFO: $$ killing cmd PID=$procid with SIG${sig}\n"; kill $sig, $procid; sleep 1; if ( ! kill 0, $procid ) { print $se "INFO: $$ killed cmd PID=$procid\n"; last; } sleep 4; } exit 0; }; # Don't use NULL for the 1st arg of open3 otherwise we end up with a messed up STDIN once it returns $procid = open3( gensym, $from, $err, @cmd ) || print $se "ERROR: Could not execute command: $!\n"; my $childpidout = fork(); # Fork a child process to read from the indirect (STDOUT) fh of the spawned command and write it to the selected fh (browser client) if ( $childpidout <= 0 ) { # Not sure if these are necessary: $fh_cmd_out->autoflush(1); $from->autoflush(1); # Read each char from command output and push to socket fh my $char; my $bytes; while ( $bytes = read( $from, $char, $size ) ) { if ( $bytes <= 0 ) { print $se "DEBUG: STDOUT fd closed - exiting thread\n"; exit 0; } else { print $fh_cmd_out $char; } last if $bytes < $size; } #print $se "CMD STDOUT FH EMPTY\n"; exit 0; # Parent continues here } elsif ( defined $childpidout ) { print $se "DEBUG: Forked STDOUT reader with PID $childpidout\n"; # Failed to fork } else { print $se "ERROR: Failed to fork STDOUT reader process: $!\n"; exit 1; } my $childpiderr = fork(); # Fork a child process to read from the indirect (STDERR) fh of the spawned command and write it to the selected fh (browser client) if ( $childpiderr <= 0 ) { # Not sure if these are necessary: $fh_cmd_err->autoflush(1); $err->autoflush(1); # Read each char from command output and push to socket fh my $char; my $bytes; # Assume that we don't want to buffer STDERR output of the command $size = 1; while ( $bytes = read( $err, $char, $size ) ) { if ( $bytes <= 0 ) { print $se "DEBUG: STDERR fd closed - exiting thread\n"; exit 0; } else { print $fh_cmd_err $char; } last if $bytes < $size; } #print $se "CMD STDERR FH EMPTY\n"; exit 0; # Parent continues here } elsif ( defined $childpiderr ) { print $se "DEBUG: Forked STDERR reader with PID $childpiderr\n"; # Failed to fork } else { print $se "ERROR: Failed to fork STDERR reader process: $!\n"; exit 1; } # Reap reader processes waitpid( $childpidout, 0 ); waitpid( $childpiderr, 0 ); # Reap command child waitpid( $procid, 0 ); $rtn = $?; # Restore sigpipe handler for reader and writer processes $SIG{PIPE} = 'DEFAULT'; } # Interpret return code return interpret_return_code( $rtn ); } # Works except for where both from and err go to fh - does not die when browser closes. # Also the browser does not get closed after cmd completes... # Uses shell when stderr needs to be redirected to stdout sub run_cmd_win32 { # Define what to do with STDOUT and STDERR of the child process my $fh_child_out = shift; my $fh_child_err = shift; my $size = shift; my @cmd = ( @_ ); # eek! - works around win32 inability to redirect STDERR nicely # If the stderr is supposed to go to the same fh and stdout then add '2>&1' push @cmd, '2>&1' if fileno($fh_child_out) == fileno($fh_child_err); my $rtn; # Disable buffering $fh_child_out->autoflush(1); print $se "INFO: Win32 Command: ".(join ' ', @cmd)."\n"; # if $opt->{verbose}; # Redirect $fh_child_out to STDOUT open(STDOUT, ">&", $fh_child_out ) || die "can't dup client to stdout"; $rtn = system( @cmd ); # Interpret return code return interpret_return_code( $rtn ); } # Same as backticks but without needing a shell # sets $? # returns array of output sub get_cmd_output { # win32 kludge cos win is so broken return get_cmd_output_win32( @_ ) if IS_WIN32; use Symbol qw(gensym); my @cmd = ( @_ ); #my $to = new IO::Handle; my $from = new IO::Handle; my $error = new IO::Handle; my $rtn; my @out_from; my @out_error; #$to->autoflush(1); $from->autoflush(1); $error->autoflush(1); print $se "INFO: Command: ".(join ' ', @cmd)."\n"; # if $opt->{verbose}; # Check if we have IPC::Open3 otherwise fallback on system() eval "use IPC::Open3"; # probably only likely in win32 if ($@) { print $se "ERROR: Please download and run latest installer - 'IPC::Open3' is not available\n"; exit 1; # Use open3() } else { my $procid; # Setup signal handlers so that when the browser is closed the SIGPIPE results in sending a SIGTERM to the forked command. local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { my $signal = shift; print $se "\nINFO: $$ Cleaning up (signal = $signal), killing cmd PID=$procid:\n"; for my $sig ( qw/INT PIPE TERM KILL/ ) { # Kill process with SIGs print $se "INFO: $$ killing cmd PID=$procid with SIG${sig}\n"; kill $sig, $procid; sleep 1; if ( ! kill 0, $procid ) { print $se "INFO: $$ killed cmd PID=$procid\n"; last; } sleep 4; } exit 0; }; #print $se "INFO: open3( 0, \">&".fileno($fh_child_out).", \">&".fileno($fh_child_err).", )\n"; # Don't use NULL for the 1st arg of open3 otherwise we end up with a messed up STDIN once it returns $procid = open3( gensym, $from, $error, @cmd ); # Wait for child to complete my $childpid = fork(); # Child if ( $childpid == 0 ) { while ( <$error> ) { print $se "CMD STDERR: $_"; } #print $se "CMD STDERR EMPTY\n"; exit 0; # Parent } elsif ( defined $childpid ) { while ( <$from> ) { push @out_from, $_; } } else { print $se "ERROR: Could not fork STDERR reader process\n"; exit 1; } waitpid( $childpid, 0 ); waitpid( $procid, 0 ); $rtn = $?; # Restore sigpipe handler for reader and writer processes $SIG{PIPE} = 'DEFAULT'; } # Interpret return code interpret_return_code( $rtn ); return @out_from; } # Still uses shell sub get_cmd_output_win32 { my ( @cmd ) = ( @_ ); # workaround to add quotes around the args because we are using a shell here for ( @cmd ) { s/^(.+)$/"$1"/g if ! m{^[\-\"]}; } print $se "DEBUG: Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd )."\n"; open( CMD, ( join ' ', @cmd ).'|' ) || print $se "ERROR: echo failed: $!\n"; my @out = ; close CMD; # Interpret return code interpret_return_code( $? ); return @out; } sub interpret_return_code { my $rtn = $_; # Interpret return code and force return code 2 upon error my $return = $rtn >> 8; if ( $rtn == -1 ) { print $se "ERROR: Command failed to execute: $!\n"; $return = 2 if ! $return; } elsif ( $rtn & 128 ) { print $se "WARNING: Command executed but coredumped\n"; $return = 2 if ! $return; } elsif ( $rtn & 127 ) { print $se sprintf "WARNING: Command executed but died with signal %d\n", $rtn & 127; $return = 2 if ! $return; } print $se sprintf "INFO: Command exit code %d\n", $return if $return; return $return; } sub get_pvr_list { my $pvrsearch; my $out = join "\n", get_cmd_output( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--pvrlist', ); # Remove text before first pvrsearch entry $out =~ s/^.+?(pvrsearch\s.+)$/$1/s; # Parse all 'pvrsearch' elements for ( split /pvrsearch\s+\=\s+/, $out ) { next if /^get_iplayer/; my $name; $_ = "pvrsearch = $_"; # Get each element while ( /([\w\-]+?)\s+=\s+(.+?)\n/sg ) { if ( $1 eq 'pvrsearch' ) { $name = $2; } $pvrsearch->{$name}->{$1} = $2; # Remove disabled entries if ( $pvrsearch->{$name}->{disable} == 1 ) { delete $pvrsearch->{$name}; last; } } } return $pvrsearch; } sub show_pvr_list { my %fields; my $pvrsearch = get_pvr_list(); my $sort_field = $cgi->param( 'PVRSORT' ) || 'name'; my $reverse = $cgi->param( 'PVRREVERSE' ) || '0'; # Sort data my @pvrsearches = get_sorted( $pvrsearch, $sort_field, $reverse ); # Parse all 'pvrsearch' elements to get all fields used for my $name ( @pvrsearches ) { # Get each element for ( keys %{ $pvrsearch->{$name} } ) { $fields{$_} = 1; } } # Render options actions my $buttons = div( { -class=>'action' }, ul( { -class=>'action' }, li( { -class=>'action' }, [ a( { -class=>'action', -title => 'Go Back', -onClick => "history.back()", }, 'Back' ), a( { -class => 'action', -title => 'Delete selected programmes from PVR search list', -onClick => "if(! check_if_selected(document.form, 'PVRSELECT')) { alert('No programmes were selected'); return false; } BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_del'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", }, 'Delete' ), ]), ), ); my @html; my @displaycols = ( 'pvrsearch', ( grep !/pvrsearch/, ( sort keys %fields ) ) ); # Build header row push @html, ""; push @html, th( { -class => 'search' }, checkbox( -class=>'search', -title=>'Select/Unselect All PVR Searches', -onClick=>"check_toggle(document.form, 'PVRSELECT')", -name=>'SELECTOR', -value=>'1', -label=>'' ) ); # Display data in nested table for my $heading (@displaycols) { # Sort by column click and change display class (colour) according to sort status my ($title, $class, $onclick); if ( $sort_field eq $heading && not $reverse ) { ($title, $class, $onclick) = ("Sort by Reverse $fieldname{$heading}", 'sorted pointer', "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_list'; form.PVRSORT.value='$heading'; form.PVRREVERSE.value=1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);"); } else { ($title, $class, $onclick) = ("Sort by $fieldname{$heading}", 'unsorted pointer', "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_list'; form.PVRSORT.value='$heading'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form); "); } $class = 'sorted_reverse pointer' if $sort_field eq $heading && $reverse; push @html, th( { -class => 'search' }, label( { -title => $title, -class => $class, -onClick => $onclick, }, $fieldname{$heading} || $heading, ) ); } push @html, ""; # Build each row for my $name ( @pvrsearches ) { my @row; push @row, td( {-class=>'search'}, checkbox( -class => 'search', -name => 'PVRSELECT', -label => '', -value => "$name", -checked => 0, -override => 1, ) ); for ( @displaycols ) { push @row, td( {-class=>'search'}, label( { -title => "Click to Edit", -class => 'search', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_edit'; form.PVRSEARCH.value='$name'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", }, $pvrsearch->{$name}->{$_}, ) ); } push @html, Tr( {-class=>'search'}, @row ); } # Search form print $fh start_form( -name => "form", -method => "POST", ); print $fh p("Click to Edit any PVR Search"); # Render options actions print $fh $buttons; # Render table print $fh table( {-class=>'search'} , @html ); print $fh $buttons; # Make sure we go to the correct nextpage for processing print $fh hidden( -name => "NEXTPAGE", -value => "pvr_list", -override => 1, ); # Reverse sort value print $fh hidden( -name => "PVRREVERSE", -value => 0, -override => 1, ); print $fh hidden( -name => "PVRSORT", -value => $sort_field, -override => 1, ); print $fh hidden( -name => "PVRSEARCH", -value => '', -override => 1, ); print $fh end_form(); return 0; } # Edits a single record indicated by PVRSELECT sub pvr_edit { my %fields; my $pvrsearch = get_pvr_list(); my @html; my $pvrname = $cgi->param( 'PVRSEARCH' ); # Determine max field length my $maxwidth = 30; for ( values %{ $pvrsearch->{$pvrname} } ) { $maxwidth = length($_) if length($_) > $maxwidth && $maxwidth < 200; } # Get each element for my $key ( keys %{ $pvrsearch->{$pvrname} } ) { my $val = $pvrsearch->{$pvrname}->{$key}; # Put INPUT field here my $element; #if ( $key eq 'pvrsearch' ) { # $element = $val; #} else { $element = hidden( -name => "EDITKEYS", -value => $key, -override => 1, ). textfield( -class => 'edit', -name => "EDITVALUES", -value => $val, -size => $maxwidth + 20, ); #} push @html, Tr( { -class => 'info' }, th( { -class => 'info' }, $key ).td( { -class => 'info' }, $element ) ); } # Editing form print $fh start_form( -name => "form", -method => "POST", ); print $fh table( { -class => 'info' }, @html ); # Render options actions print $fh div( { -class=>'action' }, ul( { -class=>'action' }, li( { -class=>'action' }, [ a( { -class=>'action', -title => 'Go Back', -onClick => "history.back()", }, 'Back' ), a( { -class => 'action', -title => 'Save changes', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_save'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", }, 'Save Changes' ), ]), ), ); # Make sure we go to the correct nextpage for processing print $fh hidden( -name => "NEXTPAGE", -value => "pvr_add", -override => 1, ); print $fh hidden( -name => "PVRSEARCH", -value => $pvrname, -override => 1, ); print $fh end_form(); return 0; } # # Will return a list of pids sorted by the requested Heading # sub get_sorted { my @sorted; my @unsorted; my $data = shift; my $sort_field = shift; my $reverse = shift; # Lookup table for nice field name headings my %sorttype = ( index => 'numeric', duration => 'numeric', timeadded => 'numeric', seriesnum => 'numeric', episodenum => 'numeric', ); # Insert search '~~~' for each prog in hash for my $key (keys %{ $data } ) { # generate sort column push @unsorted, $data->{$key}->{$sort_field}.'~~~'.$key; } # If this a purely numerical field if ( defined $sorttype{$sort_field} && $sorttype{$sort_field} eq 'numeric' ) { if ($reverse) { @sorted = reverse sort {$a <=> $b} @unsorted; } else { @sorted = sort {$a <=> $b} @unsorted; } # otherwise sort alphabetically } else { if ($reverse) { @sorted = reverse sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @unsorted; } else { @sorted = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @unsorted; } } # Strip off seach key at beginning of each line s/^.*~~~// for @sorted; return @sorted; } sub pvr_del { my @record = ( $cgi->param( 'PVRSELECT' ) ); my $out; # Queue all selected '|' entries in the PVR for my $name (@record) { chomp(); my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( "pvrdel=$name" ), ); print $fh p("Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd ) ) if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; my $cmdout = join "", get_cmd_output( @cmd ); return p("ERROR: ".$out) if $? && not $IGNOREEXIT; print $fh p("Deleted: $name"); $out .= $cmdout; } print $fh "
"; # Show list below show_pvr_list(); return $out; } sub show_info { my $progdata = ( $cgi->param( 'INFO' ) ); my $out; my @html; my %prog; my ( $type, $pid ) = split /\|/, $progdata; # Queue all selected '|' entries in the PVR chomp(); my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( 'nopurge=1', "type=$type", "future=$opt->{FUTURE}->{current}", "history=$opt->{HISTORY}->{current}", "skipdeleted=$opt->{HIDEDELETED}->{current}", 'info=1', 'fields=pid', "search=$pid" ), ); print $fh p("Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd ) ) if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; my @cmdout = get_cmd_output( @cmd ); return p("ERROR: ".@cmdout) if $? && not $IGNOREEXIT; for ( grep !/^(Added|INFO):/, @cmdout ) { my ( $key, $val ) = ( $1, $2 ) if m{^(\w+?):\s*(.+?)\s*$}; next if $key =~ /(^$|^\d+$)/ || $val =~ /Matching Program/i; $out .= "$key: $val\n"; $prog{$pid}->{$key} = $val; # Make into a link if this value is a URL $val = a( { -class=>'info', -title=>'Open URL', -href=>$val }, $val ) if $val =~ m{^http://.+}; push @html, Tr( { -class => 'info' }, th( { -class => 'info' }, $key ).td( { -class => 'info' }, $val ) ); } # Show thumb if one exists print $fh img( { -class=>'action', -src=>$prog{$pid}->{thumbnail} } ) if $prog{$pid}->{thumbnail}; # Set optional output dir for pvr queue if set my $outdir; $outdir = '&OUTPUT='.CGI::escape("$opt->{OUTPUT}->{current}") if $opt->{OUTPUT}->{current}; # Render options actions print $fh div( { -class=>'action' }, ul( { -class=>'action' }, li( { -class=>'action' }, [ a( { -class=>'action', -title => 'Go Back', -onClick => "history.back()", }, 'Back' ), a( { -class => 'action', -title => "Play '$prog{$pid}->{name} - $prog{$pid}->{episode}' Now", -href => build_url_playlist( '', 'playlist', 'pid', $pid, $prog{$pid}->{mode} || $default_modes, $prog{$pid}->{type}, $cgi->param( 'OUTTYPE' ) || 'out.flv', $cgi->param( 'STREAMTYPE' ), $cgi->param( 'BITRATE' ), $cgi->param( 'VSIZE' ), $cgi->param( 'VFR' ) ), }, 'Play' ), ]), ), ); print $fh table( { -class => 'info' }, @html ); return $out; } # Get filename from history based on PID, MODE and TYPE # If the PID is a filename then filename is still searched using PID and TYPE sub get_direct_filename { my ( $pid, $mode, $type ) = ( @_ ); my $out; my @html; my %prog; my $pidisfile; my $history = 1; print $se "DEBUG: Looking up filename for MODE=$mode TYPE=$type PID=$pid\n"; # set this flag if required and unset history if pid is a file if ( -f $pid ) { print $se "DEBUG: PID is a valid filename\n"; $pidisfile = 1; $history = 0; } # Skip if not defined or, if pid is a file and no type defined if ( $pidisfile && ! $type ) { print $se "ERROR: Cannot lookup filename for PID which is a filename if type is not set\n"; return ''; } if ( ( ! $pidisfile ) && ! ( $pid && $mode && $type ) ) { print $se "ERROR: Cannot lookup filename unless PID, MODE and TYPE are set\n"; return ''; } # make the pid regex friendly $pid =~ s|([\/\.\?\+\-\*\^\(\)\[\]\{\}])|\\$1|g; # Get the 'filename' entry from --history --info for this pid my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( 'nopurge=1', "history=$history", 'fields=pid', "search=$pid", "type=$type", 'listformat=filename: ||' ), ); print $se "Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd )."\n"; # if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; my @cmdout = get_cmd_output( @cmd ); return p("ERROR: ".@cmdout) if $? && not $IGNOREEXIT; # Extract the filename my $match = ( grep /^filename:/, @cmdout )[0]; my $filename; if ( $pidisfile ) { $filename = $1 if $match =~ m{^filename: (\/.+?)\|\|\s*$}; } else { $filename = $1 if $match =~ m{^filename: .+?\|\s*(.+?)\|$mode\s*$}; } return search_absolute_path( $filename ); } # Hack to work around relative paths in recordings history sub search_absolute_path { my $filename = shift; my $abs_path; # win32 doesn't seem to like abs_path # rewrite win32 paths if ( IS_WIN32 ) { # add a hardcoded prefix for now if relative path (assume relative to local get_iplayer script) if ( $filename !~ m{^[A-Za-z]:} && $filename =~ m{^(\.|\.\.|[A-Za-z])} ) { $filename = dirname( abs_path( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer} ) ).'/'.$filename; } # twiddle the / to \ $filename =~ s!(\\/|/|\/)!\\!g; return $filename; } #print $se "FILENAME='$filename'"; # Try using CWD if ( -f abs_path($filename) ) { $abs_path = abs_path($filename); # else try dir of get_iplayer } elsif ( -f dirname( abs_path( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer} ) ).'/'.$filename ) { $abs_path = dirname( abs_path( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer} ) ).'/'.$filename; # else try dir current output dir option } elsif ( $opt->{OUTPUT}->{current} && -f abs_path( $opt->{OUTPUT}->{current} ).'/'.$filename ) { $abs_path = abs_path( $opt->{OUTPUT}->{current} ).'/'.$filename; # Else just return the relative path } else { $abs_path = $filename; } #print $se " -> ABSPATH='$abs_path'\n"; return $abs_path; } sub pvr_queue { # Gets the multiple selections of progs to queue from PROGSELECT my @record; # The 'Record' action button uses SEARCH to pass it's pvr_queue data if ( $cgi->param( 'SEARCH' ) ) { push @record, $cgi->param( 'SEARCH' ); } else { @record = ( $cgi->param( 'PROGSELECT' ) ); } my @params = get_search_params(); my $out; # If a URL was specified by the User (assume auto mode list is OK): if ( $opt->{URL}->{current} =~ m{^http://} ) { push @record, "$opt->{PROGTYPES}->{current}|$opt->{URL}->{current}|$opt->{URL}->{current}|-"; } print $fh "

Queuing The Following Programmes in the PVR

    \n"; for (@record) { chomp(); my ( $type, $pid, $name, $episode ) = (split /\|/)[0,1,2,3]; next if ! ($type && $pid ); print $fh "
  • $name - $episode ($pid)
  • \n"; } print $fh "

\n"; # Queue all selected 'TYPE|PID|NAME|EPISODE|MODE|CHANNEL' entries in the PVR for (@record) { chomp(); my ( $type, $pid, $name, $episode ) = (split /\|/)[0,1,2,3]; next if ! ($type && $pid ); my $comment = "$name - $episode"; $comment =~ s/\'\"//g; $comment =~ s/[^\s\w\d\-:\(\)]/_/g; $comment =~ s/^_*//g; $comment =~ s/_*$//g; my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( 'pvrqueue=1', "pid=$pid", "comment=$comment (queued: ".localtime().')', "type=$type", build_cmd_options( grep !/^(HISTORY|SINCE|BEFORE|HIDEDELETED|FUTURE|SEARCH|SEARCHFIELDS|VERSIONLIST|PROGTYPES|EXCLUDEC.+)$/, @params ) ), ); print $fh p("Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd ) ) if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; my $cmdout = join "", get_cmd_output( @cmd ); return p("ERROR: ".$out) if $? && not $IGNOREEXIT; print $fh p("Queued: $type: '$name - $episode' ($pid)"); $out .= $cmdout; } print $fh "
"; # Show list below show_pvr_list(); return $out; } sub recordings_delete { # Gets the multiple selections of progs to queue from PROGSELECT my @record; # The 'Record' action button uses SEARCH to pass it's pvr_queue data if ( $cgi->param( 'SEARCH' ) ) { push @record, $cgi->param( 'SEARCH' ); } else { @record = ( $cgi->param( 'PROGSELECT' ) ); } my @params = get_search_params(); # Render options actions my $buttons = div( { -class=>'action' }, ul( { -class=>'action' }, li( { -class=>'action' }, [ a( { -class=>'action', -title => 'Go Back', -onClick => "history.back()", }, 'Back' ), ]), ), ); # Render options actions print $fh $buttons; print $fh "

Deleting the Following Programmes:

    \n"; for (@record) { chomp(); my ( $type, $pid, $name, $episode ) = (split /\|/)[0,1,2,3]; next if ! ($type && $pid ); print $fh "
  • $name - $episode ($pid)
  • \n"; } print $fh "

\n"; # Queue all selected 'TYPE|PID|NAME|EPISODE|MODE|CHANNEL' entries in the PVR for (@record) { chomp(); my ( $type, $pid, $name, $episode, $mode ) = (split /\|/)[0,1,2,3,4]; next if ! ($mode && $pid ); my $filename = get_direct_filename( $pid, $mode, $type ); my $dir = dirname( $filename ); my $fileregex = basename( $filename ); # get the filename less the ext $fileregex =~ s/\.\w+$//g; $fileregex .= '\.\w+$'; # Find matching files .* if ( opendir DIR, $dir ) { for my $file ( grep { /$fileregex/ } readdir(DIR) ) { # Use absolute path $file = "${dir}/${file}"; if ( -f $file ) { if ( ! unlink( $file ) ) { print $fh p("ERROR: Failed to delete $file"); } } else { print $fh p("ERROR: File does not exist for: $type: '$name - $episode', MODE: $mode, PID: $pid, FILENAME: $filename"); } } print $fh p("Successfully deleted: $type: '$name - $episode', MODE: $mode, PID: $pid"); closedir(DIR); } else { print $fh p("ERROR: Cannot open dir '$dir' for file deletion\n"); } } # Render options actions print $fh $buttons; return ''; } sub build_cmd_options { my @options; for ( @_ ) { # skip non-options next if $opt->{$_}->{optkey} eq '' || not defined $opt->{$_}->{optkey} || not $opt->{$_}->{optkey}; my $value = $opt->{$_}->{current}; push @options, "$opt->{$_}->{optkey}=$value" if $value ne ''; } return @options; } sub get_search_params { my @params; for ( keys %{ $opt } ) { # skip non-options next if $opt->{$_}->{optkey} eq '' || not defined $opt->{$_}->{optkey} || not $opt->{$_}->{optkey}; next if grep /^$_$/, @nosearch_params; push @params, $_; } return @params; } # Return get_iplayer command options when supplied an array of = options sub get_iplayer_webrequest_args { my @cmdopts; print $se 'DEBUG: get_iplayer options: "'.join('" "', @_)."\"\n"; for (@_) { push @cmdopts, CGI::escape($_); } my $cmdline = join('?', @cmdopts); return $cmdline; } sub pvr_add { my $out; my @params = get_search_params(); # Only allow alphanumerics,_,-,. here for security reasons my $searchname = "$opt->{SEARCH}->{current}_$opt->{SEARCHFIELDS}->{current}_$opt->{PROGTYPES}->{current}"; $searchname =~ s/[^\w\-\. \+\(\)]/_/g; # Remove a few options from leaking into a PVR search my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( "pvradd=$searchname", build_cmd_options( grep !/^(HISTORY|HIDEDELETED|SINCE|BEFORE|HIDE|FORCE|FUTURE)$/, @params ) ), ); print $se "DEBUG: Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd )."\n"; print $fh p("Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd ) ) if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; $out = join "", get_cmd_output( @cmd ); return p("ERROR: ".$out) if $? && not $IGNOREEXIT; print $fh p("Added PVR Search ($searchname):\n\tTypes: $opt->{PROGTYPES}->{current}\n\tSearch: $opt->{SEARCH}->{current}\n\tSearch Fields: $opt->{SEARCHFIELDS}->{current}\n"); print $fh "
"; # Show list below show_pvr_list(); return $out; } # Delete then add again - just in case user has edited name of pvr search sub pvr_save { my $out; my @keys = $cgi->param( 'EDITKEYS' ); my @values = $cgi->param( 'EDITVALUES' ); my @params; my @search_args; my $newsearchname; # Convert the two keys and values arrays into a KEY=VALUE params array for ( @keys ) { my $val = shift @values; if ( $_ eq 'pvrsearch' ) { $newsearchname = $val; # append search terms to cmdline } elsif ( /^search\d+$/ && $val !~ /^\-/ ) { push @search_args, $val; } else { push @params, $_.'='.$val; } } #print STDERR "ELEMENTS for save: ".(join ',', @params)."\n\n"; # Sanity check if ( $newsearchname eq '' ) { print $fh p("No PVR Search Name Specified - not updated"); return; } # Delete the original pvr entry my $searchname = $cgi->param( 'PVRSEARCH' ); my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( "pvrdel=$searchname" ), ); print $fh p("Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd ) ) if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; my $cmdout = join "", get_cmd_output( @cmd ); return p("ERROR: ".$out) if $? && not $IGNOREEXIT; print $fh p("Deleted: $searchname"); $out .= $cmdout; # Add the new pvr entry @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( "pvradd=$newsearchname", @params ), '--', @search_args, ); print $se "DEBUG: Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd )."\n"; print $fh p("Command: ".( join ' ', @cmd ) ) if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; $out = join "", get_cmd_output( @cmd ); return p("ERROR: ".$out) if $? && not $IGNOREEXIT; print $fh p("Added Updated PVR Search '$newsearchname'\n"); print $fh "
"; # Show list below show_pvr_list(); return $out; } # Build templated HTML for an option specified by passed hashref sub build_option_html { my $arg = shift; my $title = $arg->{title}; my $tooltip = $arg->{tooltip}; my $webvar = $arg->{webvar}; my $option = $arg->{option}; my $type = $arg->{type}; my $label = $arg->{label}; my $current = $arg->{current}; my $value = $arg->{value}; my $status = $arg->{status}; my @html; # On/Off if ( $type eq 'hidden' ) { push @html, hidden( -name => $webvar, -id => "option_$webvar", #-value => $arg->{default}, -value => $current, -override => 1, ); # On/Off } elsif ( $type eq 'boolean' ) { push @html, th( { -class => 'options', -title => $tooltip }, $title ). td( { -class => 'options', -title => $tooltip }, checkbox( -class => 'options', -name => $webvar, -id => "option_$webvar", -label => '', #-value => 1, -checked => $current, -override => 1, ) ); # On/Off } elsif ( $type eq 'radioboolean' ) { push @html, th( { -class => 'options', -title => $tooltip }, $title ). td( { -class => 'options', -title => $tooltip }, radio_group( -class => 'options', -name => $webvar, -values => { 0=>'Off' , 1=>'On' }, -default => $current, -override => 1, ) ); # Multi-On/Off } elsif ( $type eq 'multiboolean' ) { my $element; # values in hash of $value->{} => value # labels in hash of $label->{$value} # selected status in $status->{$value} my @keylist = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $value }; my $count = 0; while ( @keylist ) { my $val = $value->{shift @keylist}; $element .= td( { -class => 'options' }, table ( { -class => 'options_embedded', -title => $tooltip }, Tr( { -class => 'options_embedded' }, td( { -class => 'options_embedded' }, [ checkbox( -class => 'options', -name => $webvar, -id => "option_${webvar}_$val", -label => '', -value => $val, -checked => $status->{$val}, -override => 1, ), $label->{$val} ] ) ) ) ); # Spread over more rows if there are many elements if ( not ( ($count+1) % 3 ) ) { $element .= ''; } $count++; } my $inner_table = table ( { -class => 'options_embedded' }, Tr( { -class => 'options_embedded' }, $element ) ); push @html, th( { -class => 'options', -title => $tooltip }, $title ).td( { -class => 'options' }, $inner_table ); # Popup type } elsif ( $type eq 'popup' ) { my @value = $arg->{value}; push @html, th( { -class => 'options', -title => $tooltip }, $title ). td( { -class => 'options', -title => $tooltip }, popup_menu( -class => 'options', -name => $webvar, -id => "option_$webvar", -values => @value, -labels => $label, -default => $current, -onChange => $arg->{onChange}, ) ); # text field } elsif ( $type eq 'text' ) { push @html, th( { -class => 'options', -title => $tooltip }, $title ). td( { -class => 'options', -title => $tooltip }, textfield( -class => 'options', -name => $webvar, -value => $current, -size => $value, -onKeyDown => 'return submitonEnter(event);', ) ); } return @html; } sub refresh { my $typelist = join(",", $cgi->param( 'PROGTYPES' )) || 'tv'; my $refreshfuture = $cgi->param( 'REFRESHFUTURE' ) || 0; print $fh "

The cache will auto-refresh every $opt->{AUTOWEBREFRESH}->{current} hour(s) if you leave this page open

" if $opt->{AUTOWEBREFRESH}->{current}; print $se "INFO: Refreshing\n"; my @cmd = ( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( 'expiry=30', 'nopurge=1', "type=$typelist", "refreshfuture=$refreshfuture", "search=no search just refresh" ), ); print $fh '
	run_cmd( $fh, $se, 1, @cmd );
	print $fh '
'; print $fh p("Flushed Programme Caches for Types: $typelist"); # Load the refresh tab if required my $autorefresh = $cgi->cookie( 'AUTOWEBREFRESH' ) || $cgi->param( 'AUTOWEBREFRESH' ); # Render options actions print $fh div( { -class=>'action' }, ul( { -class=>'action' }, li( { -class=>'action' }, [ a( { -class=>'action', -title => 'Refresh Cache Now', -onClick => "RefreshTab( '?NEXTPAGE=refresh&PROGTYPES=$typelist&AUTOWEBREFRESH=$autorefresh', ".(1000*3600*$autorefresh).", 1 );", }, 'Force Refresh' ), a( { -class=>'action', -title => 'Go Back', -onClick => "window.close()", }, 'Close' ), ]), ), ); } # Just a wrapper to search_progs which defines history search settings for 'Recordings' tab sub search_history { $opt->{HISTORY}->{current} = 1; $opt->{SORT}->{current} = 'timeadded'; $opt->{REVERSE}->{current} = 1; $opt->{SINCE}->{current} = ''; $opt->{BEFORE}->{current} = ''; $opt->{EXCLUDE}->{current} = ''; $opt->{CATEGORY}->{current} = ''; $opt->{EXCLUDECATEGORY}->{current} = ''; $opt->{CHANNEL}->{current} = ''; $opt->{EXCLUDECHANNEL}->{current} = ''; search_progs(); } sub search_progs { # Set default status for progtypes my %type; $type{$_} = 1 for split /,/, $opt->{PROGTYPES}->{current}; $opt->{PROGTYPES}->{status} = \%type; # Determine which cols to display and Set default status for cols get_display_cols(); #for my $key (sort keys %ENV) { # print $fh $key, " = ", $ENV{$key}, "\n
"; #} # Get prog data my @params = get_search_params(); my ( $matchcount, $response ) = ( get_progs( @params ) ); if ( $response ) { print $fh p("ERROR: get_iplayer returned non-zero:").br().p( join '
', $response ); return 1; } my ($first, $last, @pagetrail) = pagetrail( $opt->{PAGENO}->{current}, $opt->{PAGESIZE}->{current}, $matchcount, 7 ); # Default displaycols my @html; push @html, ""; push @html, th( { -class => 'search' }, checkbox( -class=>'search', -title=>'Select/Unselect All Programmes', -onClick=>"check_toggle(document.form, 'PROGSELECT')", -name=>'SELECTOR', -value=>'1', -label=>'' ) ); # Pad empty column for R/S push @html, th( { -class => 'search' }, 'Actions' ); # Display data in nested table for my $heading (@displaycols) { # Sort by column click and change display class (colour) according to sort status my ($title, $class, $onclick); if ( $opt->{SORT}->{current} eq $heading && not $opt->{REVERSE}->{current} ) { ($title, $class, $onclick) = ("Sort by Reverse $heading", 'sorted pointer', "form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.SORT.value='$heading'; form.REVERSE[0].checked=true; form.submit();"); } else { ($title, $class, $onclick) = ("Sort by $heading", 'unsorted pointer', "form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.SORT.value='$heading'; form.REVERSE[1].checked=true; form.submit();"); } $class = 'sorted_reverse pointer' if $opt->{SORT}->{current} eq $heading && $opt->{REVERSE}->{current}; push @html, th( { -class => 'search' }, table( { -class => 'searchhead' }, Tr( { -class => 'search' }, [ th( { -class => 'search' }, label( { -title => $title, -class => $class, -onClick => $onclick, }, $fieldname{$heading}, ) ) ] ) ) ); } push @html, ""; # Set optional output dir for pvr queue if set my $outdir; $outdir = '&OUTPUT='.CGI::escape("$opt->{OUTPUT}->{current}") if $opt->{OUTPUT}->{current}; # Build each prog row my $time = time(); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#pids; $i++ ) { my $search_class = 'search'; my $pid = $pids[$i]; my @row; # Grey-out history lines which files have been deleted or where the history doesn't have a filename mentioned if ( $opt->{HISTORY}->{current} && ! $opt->{HIDEDELETED}->{current} ) { if ( ( ! $prog{$pid}->{filename} ) || ! -f $prog{$pid}->{filename} ) { $search_class = 'search darker'; } } # Format of PROGSELECT: TYPE|PID|NAME|EPISODE|MODE|CHANNEL push @row, td( {-class=>$search_class}, checkbox( -class => $search_class, -name => 'PROGSELECT', -label => '', -value => "$prog{$pid}->{type}|$pid|$prog{$pid}->{name}|$prog{$pid}->{episode}|$prog{$pid}->{mode}|$prog{$pid}->{channel}", -checked => 0, -override => 1, ) ); # Record and stream links # Fix output type and mode per prog type my %streamopts = ( radio => '&MODES=iphone&OUTTYPE=mp3', tv => '&MODES=iphone&OUTTYPE=mov', livetv => '&MODES=flash&OUTTYPE=flv', liveradio => '&MODES=flash&BITRATE=320&OUTTYPE=mp3', itv => '&OUTTYPE=asf', localfiles => '&OUTTYPE=mp3', ); my $links; # 'Play' # Search mode with filename as pid if ( $pid =~ m{^/} ) { if ( -f $pid ) { # Play $links .= a( { -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Play from file on web server", -href=>build_url_playlist( '', 'playlist', 'pid', $pid, $opt->{MODES}->{current} || $default_modes, $prog{$pid}->{type}, basename( $pid ) , $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current}, $opt->{BITRATE}->{current}, $opt->{VSIZE}->{current}, $opt->{VFR}->{current} ) }, 'Play' ).'
'; # PlayFile $links .= a( { -id=>'nowrap', -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Play from local file", -href=>build_url_playlist( '', 'playlistfiles', 'pid', $pid, $prog{$pid}->{mode}, $prog{$pid}->{type}, undef, undef ) }, 'PlayFile' ).'
'; # PlayDirect $links .= a( { -id=>'nowrap', -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Stream file into browser", -href=>build_url_direct( '', $prog{$pid}->{type}, $pid, $prog{$pid}->{mode}, $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current}, $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current}, $opt->{HISTORY}->{current}, $opt->{BITRATE}->{current}, $opt->{VSIZE}->{current}, $opt->{VFR}->{current} ) }, 'PlayDirect' ).'
'; } # History mode } elsif ( $opt->{HISTORY}->{current} ) { if ( $opt->{HIDEDELETED}->{current} || -f $prog{$pid}->{filename} ) { # Play (Play Remote) $links .= a( { -id=>'nowrap', -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Play from file on web server", -href=>build_url_playlist( '', 'playlistdirect', 'pid', $pid, $prog{$pid}->{mode}, $prog{$pid}->{type}, 'flv', 'flv', $opt->{BITRATE}->{current}, $opt->{VSIZE}->{current}, $opt->{VFR}->{current} ) }, 'Play' ).'
'; # PlayFile $links .= a( { -id=>'nowrap', -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Play from local file", -href=>build_url_playlist( '', 'playlistfiles', 'pid', $pid, $prog{$pid}->{mode}, $prog{$pid}->{type}, undef ) }, 'PlayFile' ).'
'; # PlayDirect - depends on browser support $links .= a( { -id=>'nowrap', -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Stream file into browser", -href=>build_url_direct( '', $prog{$pid}->{type}, $pid, $prog{$pid}->{mode}, $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current}, $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current}, $opt->{HISTORY}->{current}, $opt->{BITRATE}->{current}, $opt->{VSIZE}->{current}, $opt->{VFR}->{current} ) }, 'PlayDirect' ).'
'; } # Search mode } else { # Play $links .= a( { -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Play from Internet", -href=>build_url_playlist( '', 'playlist', 'pid', $pid, $opt->{MODES}->{current} || $default_modes, $prog{$pid}->{type}, 'out.flv', $opt->{STREAMTYPE}->{current}, $opt->{BITRATE}->{current}, $opt->{VSIZE}->{current}, $opt->{VFR}->{current} ) }, 'Play' ).'
'; # Record $links .= label( { -id=>'nowrap', -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Record '$prog{$pid}->{name} - $prog{$pid}->{episode}' Now", -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='record_now'; form.SEARCH.value='".encode_entities("$prog{$pid}->{type}|$pid|$prog{$pid}->{name}|$prog{$pid}->{episode}|$prog{$pid}->{mode}")."'; form.target='_newtab_$pid'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form); form.target='';" }, 'Record' ).'
'; # Queue $links .= label( { -id=>'nowrap', -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Queue '$prog{$pid}->{name} - $prog{$pid}->{episode}' for PVR Recording", -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_queue'; form.SEARCH.value='".encode_entities("$prog{$pid}->{type}|$pid|$prog{$pid}->{name}|$prog{$pid}->{episode}|$prog{$pid}->{mode}")."'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);" }, 'Queue' ).'
'; # Add Series $links .= label( { -id=>'nowrap', -class=>'search pointer_noul', -title=>"Add Series '$prog{$pid}->{name}' to PVR", -onClick=>"BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_add'; form.SEARCH.value='".encode_entities("^$prog{$pid}->{name}\$")."'; form.SEARCHFIELDS.value='name'; form.PROGTYPES.value='$prog{$pid}->{type}'; form.HISTORY.value='0'; form.SINCE.value=''; form.BEFORE.value=''; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);" }, 'Add Series' ); } # Add links to row push @row, td( {-class=>$search_class}, $links ); # This builds each row in turn for ( @displaycols ) { # display thumb if defined (will have to use proxy to get file:// thumbs) if ( /^thumbnail$/ ) { # Assume a thumbnail prefix if one is missing for BBC iPlayer if ( $pid =~ m{^[wpb]0[a-z0-9]{6}$} && $prog{$pid}->{type} =~ /^(tv|radio)$/ ) { $prog{$pid}->{$_} = "http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/images/episode/${pid}_150_84.jpg"; } if ( $prog{$pid}->{$_} =~ m{^http://} ) { push @row, td( {-class=>$search_class}, a( { -title=>"Open original web URL", -class=>$search_class, -href=>$prog{$pid}->{web} }, img( { -class=>$search_class, -height=>40, -src=>$prog{$pid}->{$_} } ) ) ); } else { push @row, td( {-class=>$search_class}, a( { -title=>"Open original web URL", -class=>$search_class, -href=>$prog{$pid}->{web} }, 'Open URL' ) ); } # Calculate the seconds difference between epoch_now and epoch_datestring and convert back into array_time } elsif ( /^timeadded$/ ) { my @t = gmtime( $time - $prog{$pid}->{$_} ); my $years = ($t[5]-70)."y " if ($t[5]-70) > 0; push @row, td( {-class=>$search_class}, label( { -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Click for full info", -onClick=>"BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='show_info'; form.INFO.value='".encode_entities("$prog{$pid}->{type}|$pid")."'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);" }, "${years}$t[7]d $t[2]h ago" ) ); # truncate the description if it is too long } elsif ( /^desc$/ ) { my $text = $prog{$pid}->{$_}; $text = substr($text, 0, 256).'...[more]' if length( $text ) > 256; push @row, td( {-class=>$search_class}, label( { -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Click for full info", -onClick=>"BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='show_info'; form.INFO.value='".encode_entities("$prog{$pid}->{type}|$pid")."'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);" }, $text ) ); # Name / Series link } elsif ( /^name$/ ) { push @row, td( {-class=>$search_class}, label( { -class=>$search_class, -id=>'underline', -title=>"Click to list '$prog{$pid}->{$_}'", -onClick=>" BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.SEARCHFIELDS.value='name'; form.SEARCH.value='".encode_entities('^'.$prog{$pid}->{$_}.'$')."'; form.PAGENO.value=1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form); "}, $prog{$pid}->{$_} ) ); # Channel link } elsif ( /^channel$/ ) { push @row, td( {-class=>$search_class}, label( { -class=>$search_class, -id=>'underline', -title=>"Click to list '$prog{$pid}->{$_}'", -onClick=>" BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.CHANNEL.value='".encode_entities('^'.$prog{$pid}->{$_}.'$')."'; form.EXCLUDECHANNEL.value=''; form.SEARCH.value='.*'; form.PAGENO.value=1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form); "}, $prog{$pid}->{$_} ) ); # Category links } elsif ( /^categories$/ ) { my @cats = split /,/, $prog{$pid}->{$_}; for ( @cats ) { my $category = $_; $_ = label( { -class=>$search_class, -id=>'underline', -title=>"Click to list '$category'", -onClick=>" BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.EXCLUDE.value=''; form.CATEGORY.value='".encode_entities($category)."'; form.EXCLUDECATEGORY.value=''; form.SEARCH.value='.*'; form.PAGENO.value=1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form); "}, $category ); } push @row, td( {-class=>$search_class}, @cats ); # Every other column type } else { push @row, td( {-class=>$search_class}, label( { -class=>$search_class, -title=>"Click for full info", -onClick=>"BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='show_info'; form.INFO.value='".encode_entities("$prog{$pid}->{type}|$pid")."'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);" }, $prog{$pid}->{$_} ) ); } } push @html, Tr( {-class=>$search_class}, @row ); } # Search form print $fh start_form( -name => "form", -method => "POST", ); # Create options tabs and buttons # Build tab 'buttons' (actually list labels) # Add options buttons into the list my @optrows_nav; my @tablist = grep !/(BASICTAB|HIDDENTAB)/, @{ $layout->{taborder} }; for my $tabname ( @tablist ) { my $label = $layout->{$tabname}->{title}; # Set the colour to grey and change tab appearance if it is selected my $style = 'color: #ADADAD;'; my $class = 'options_tab'; if ( defined $opt->{$tabname}->{current} && $opt->{$tabname}->{current} eq 'yes' ) { $style = 'color: #F54997;'; $class = 'options_tab_sel'; } push @optrows_nav, li( { -class=>$class, -id=>"li_${tabname}" }, label( { -class => 'options_outer pointer_noul', -id => 'button_'.$tabname, -title => "Show $label tab", -style => $style, -onClick => "show_options_tab( '$tabname', [ '".(join "', '", @tablist )."' ] );", }, $label ), ) } # add a save button on to end of list my $options_buttons = ul( { -class=>'options_tab' }, li( { -class=>'options_button' }, [ # Apply button (same as 'Search') label( { -class => 'options_outer pointer_noul', -title => 'Apply Current Options', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.PAGENO.value=1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", }, 'Apply Settings', ), # Save as Default button label( { -class => 'options_outer pointer_noul', -title => 'Remember Current Options as Default', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.SAVE.value=1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", }, 'Save As Default', ), ] ) ); # Build each tab with it's contained options tables my @opt_td; my @opt_td_basic; for my $tabname ( @{ $layout->{taborder} } ) { my $tab = $layout->{$tabname}; my @order = @{ $tab->{order} }; my $heading = $tab->{heading}; # Set displayed tab status (i.e. style) based on posted/cookie vars (always display basic tab) $tab->{style} = "display: none; visibility: collapse;"; $tab->{style} = "display: table-cell; visibility: visible;" if $tabname eq 'BASICTAB' || ( defined $opt->{$tabname}->{current} && $opt->{$tabname}->{current} eq 'yes' ); # Each option within the tab my @optrows; #push @optrows, td( { -class=>'options' }, label( { -class => 'options_heading' }, $heading ) ) if $heading; for my $optname ( @order ) { push @optrows, build_option_html( $opt->{$optname} ); } # Set the basic search tab to be rowspan=3 if ( $tabname eq 'BASICTAB' ) { push @opt_td_basic, td( { -class=>'options_outer', -id=>"tab_${tabname}", -rowspan=>3, -style=>"$tab->{style}" }, table( { -class=>'options' }, Tr( { -class=>'options' }, [ @optrows ] ) ) ); } else { push @opt_td, td( { -class=>'options_outer', -id=>"tab_${tabname}", -style=>"$tab->{style}" }, table( { -class=>'options' }, Tr( { -class=>'options' }, [ @optrows ] ) ) ); } } # Render outer options table frame (keeping some tabs hidden) print $fh table( { -class=>'options_outer' }, Tr( { -class=>'options_outer' }, (join '', @opt_td_basic). td( { -class=>'options_outer' }, ul( { -class=>'options_tab' }, @optrows_nav ) ) ). Tr( { -class=>'options_outer' }, (join '', @opt_td) ). Tr( { -class=>'options_outer' }, td( { -class=>'options_outer' }, $options_buttons ) ) ); # Grey-out 'Add Current Search to PVR' button if too many programme matches my $add_search_class_suffix; $add_search_class_suffix = ' darker' if $matchcount > 30; my %action_button; $action_button{'Search'} = a( { -class => 'action', -title => 'Perform search based on search options', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.PAGENO.value=1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", }, 'Search' ); $action_button{'Queue'} = a( { -class => 'action', -title => 'Queue selected programmes (or Quick URL) for one-off recording', -onClick => "if(! ( check_if_selected(document.form, 'PROGSELECT') || form.URL.value ) ) { alert('No Quick URL or programmes were selected'); return false; } BackupFormVars(form); form.SEARCH.value=''; form.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_queue'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form); form.URL.value=''; disable_selected_checkboxes(document.form, 'PROGSELECT');", }, 'Queue' ); $action_button{'Record'} = a( { -class => 'action', -title => 'Immediately Record selected programmes (or Quick URL) in a new tab', -onClick => "if(! ( check_if_selected(document.form, 'PROGSELECT') || form.URL.value ) ) { alert('No Quick URL or programmes were selected'); return false; } BackupFormVars(form); form.SEARCH.value=''; form.NEXTPAGE.value='record_now'; var random=Math.floor(Math.random()*99999); form.target='_newtab_'+random; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form); form.target=''; form.URL.value=''; disable_selected_checkboxes(document.form, 'PROGSELECT');", }, 'Record' ); $action_button{'Delete'} = a( { -class => 'action', -title => 'Permanently delete selected recorded files', -onClick => "if(! check_if_selected(document.form, 'PROGSELECT')) { alert('No programmes were selected'); return false; } BackupFormVars(form); form.SEARCH.value=''; form.NEXTPAGE.value='recordings_delete'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", }, 'Delete' ); $action_button{'Play'} = a( { -class => 'action', -title => 'Get a Playlist based on selected programmes (or Quick URL) to stream in your media player', -onClick => "if(! ( check_if_selected(document.form, 'PROGSELECT') || form.URL.value ) ) { alert('No Quick URL or programmes were selected'); return false; } BackupFormVars(form); form.SEARCH.value=''; form.ACTION.value='genplaylist'; form.submit(); form.ACTION.value=''; RestoreFormVars(form); form.URL.value='';", }, 'Play' ); $action_button{'Play Files'} = a( { -class => 'action', -title => 'Get a Playlist based on selected programmes for local file streaming in your media player', -onClick => "if(! check_if_selected(document.form, 'PROGSELECT')) { alert('No programmes were selected'); return false; } BackupFormVars(form); form.SEARCH.value=''; form.ACTION.value='genplaylistfile'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", }, 'Play Files' ); $action_button{'Play Remote'} = a( { -class => 'action', -title => 'Get a Playlist based on selected programmes for remote file streaming in your media player', -onClick => "if(! check_if_selected(document.form, 'PROGSELECT')) { alert('No programmes were selected'); return false; } BackupFormVars(form); form.SEARCH.value=''; form.ACTION.value='genplaylistdirect'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", }, 'Play Remote' ); # check for an non-whitespace advanced search entries # excluding Programme Version and Search Future Schedule my $num_adv_srch = grep /\S/, ( $opt->{EXCLUDE}->{current}, $opt->{EXCLUDECATEGORY}->{current}, $opt->{CATEGORY}->{current}, $opt->{CHANNEL}->{current}, $opt->{EXCLUDECHANNEL}->{current}, $opt->{SINCE}->{current}, $opt->{BEFORE}->{current} ); $action_button{'Add Search to PVR'} = a( { -class => 'action'.$add_search_class_suffix, -title => 'Create a persistent PVR search using the current search terms (i.e. all below programmes)', -onClick => "var version = '$opt->{VERSIONLIST}->{current}'; if ('$opt->{SEARCH}->{current}' == '.*' && $num_adv_srch == 0 && version.toLowerCase().indexOf('default') != -1) { alert('Search = .* will download all available programmes. Please enter a more specific search term or additional advanced search criteria (excluding $opt->{FUTURE}->{title}).'); return false; } if ('$opt->{SEARCH}->{current}' == '' ) { alert('Please enter a search term. Use Search = .* to record all programmes matching advanced search criteria.'); return false; } if ( $matchcount > 30 ) { alert('Please limit your search to result in no more than 30 current programmes'); return false; } BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_add'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", }, 'Add Search to PVR' ); #my $autorefresh = $cgi->cookie( 'AUTOWEBREFRESH' ) || $cgi->param( 'AUTOWEBREFRESH' ); $action_button{'Refresh Cache'} = a( { -class => 'action', -title => 'Refresh the list of programmes - can take a while', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.target='_newtab_refresh'; form.NEXTPAGE.value='refresh'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form); form.target=''; form.NEXTPAGE.value=''; ", #-onClick => "window.frames['dataframe'].window.location.replace('?NEXTPAGE=refresh&AUTOWEBREFRESH=$autorefresh')", }, 'Refresh Cache' ); # Render action bar my @actionbar; if ( $opt->{HISTORY}->{current} ) { push @actionbar, div( { -class=>'action' }, ul( { -class=>'action' }, li( { -class=>'action' }, [ $action_button{'Search'}, $action_button{'Delete'}, $action_button{'Play'}, $action_button{'Play Files'}, $action_button{'Play Remote'}, $action_button{'Add Search to PVR'}, ]), ), ); } else { push @actionbar, div( { -class=>'action' }, ul( { -class=>'action' }, li( { -class=>'action' }, [ $action_button{'Search'}, $action_button{'Record'}, $action_button{'Play'}, $action_button{'Queue'}, $action_button{'Play Remote'}, $action_button{'Add Search to PVR'}, $action_button{'Refresh Cache'}, ]), ), ); } print $fh @actionbar; print $fh @pagetrail; print $fh table( {-class=>'search' }, @html ); print $fh @pagetrail; print $fh @actionbar; print $fh div( {id=>'status'} ); print $fh end_form(); return 0; } # Build page trail sub pagetrail { my ( $page, $pagesize, $count, $trailsize ) = ( @_ ); # How many pages my $pages = int( $count / $pagesize ) + 1; # If we request a page that is too high $page = $pages if $page > $pages; # Calc first and last programme numbers my $first = $pagesize * ($page - 1); my $last = $first + $pagesize; $last = $count if $last > $count; #print $se "PAGETRAIL: page=$page, first=$first, last=$first, pages=$pages, trailsize=$trailsize\n"; # Page trail my @pagetrail; push @pagetrail, td( { -class=>'pagetrail pointer' }, label( { -title => "Previous Page", -class => 'pagetrail pointer', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.PAGENO.value=$page-1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);",}, "<<", )) if $page > 1; push @pagetrail, td( { -class=>'pagetrail pointer' }, label( { -title => "Page 1", -class => 'pagetrail pointer', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.PAGENO.value=1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);",}, "1", )) if $page > 1; push @pagetrail, td( { -class=>'pagetrail' }, '...' ) if $page > $trailsize+2; for (my $pn=$page-$trailsize; $pn <= $page+$trailsize; $pn++) { push @pagetrail, td( { -class=>'pagetrail pointer' }, label( { -title => "Page $pn", -class => 'pagetrail pointer', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.PAGENO.value='$pn'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);",}, "$pn", )) if $pn > 1 && $pn != $page && $pn < $pages; push @pagetrail, td( { -class=>'pagetrail' }, label( { -title => "Current Page", -class => 'pagetrail-current', }, "$page", )) if $pn == $page; } push @pagetrail, td( { -class=>'pagetrail' }, '...' ) if $page < $pages-$trailsize-1; push @pagetrail, td( { -class=>'pagetrail pointer' }, label( { -title => "Page ".$pages, -class => 'pagetrail pointer', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.PAGENO.value=$pages; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);",}, "$pages", )) if $page < $pages; push @pagetrail, td( { -class=>'pagetrail pointer' }, label( { -title => "Next Page", -class => 'pagetrail pointer', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.PAGENO.value=$page+1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);",}, ">>", )) if $page < $pages; push @pagetrail, td( { -class=>'pagetrail' }, label( { -title => "Matches", -class => 'pagetrail',}, "($count programmes)", )); my @html = table( { -id=>'centered', -class=>'pagetrail' }, Tr( { -class=>'pagetrail' }, @pagetrail )); return ($first, $last, @html); } sub get_progs { my @params = @_; my $options = ''; my $fields; $fields .= "|<$_>" for @headings; my ( @webrequest_args ) = ( build_cmd_options( grep !/^(PVRHOLDOFF)$/, @params ), 'nopurge=1', "listformat=ENTRY${fields}" ); # Page params if ( $opt->{PAGENO}->{current} && $opt->{PAGESIZE}->{current} ) { push @webrequest_args, ( "page=$opt->{PAGENO}->{current}", "pagesize=$opt->{PAGESIZE}->{current}" ); } # Sort param push @webrequest_args, "sortreverse=$opt->{PAGENO}->{current}" if $opt->{REVERSE}->{current}; # sort reverse param push @webrequest_args, "sortmatches=$opt->{SORT}->{current}" if $opt->{SORT}->{current} && $opt->{SORT}->{current} ne 'name'; # Run command my @list = get_cmd_output( $opt_cmdline->{getiplayer}, '--nocopyright', '--expiry=999999999', '--webrequest', get_iplayer_webrequest_args( @webrequest_args ), ); return ( '0', join("\n", @list) ) if $? && not $IGNOREEXIT; # Get total matches count my $matchcount = pop @list; $matchcount = $1 if $matchcount =~ m{^INFO:\s*(\d+?)\s+}; for ( grep /^ENTRY/, @list ) { chomp(); # Strip white space s/\|\s*$//; my $record; my @element = split /\|/, $_; shift @element; # Put data for this contact into temporary record hash for this user for (my $i=0; $i <= $#headings; $i++) { $record->{$headings[$i]} = $element[$i]; } my $search_class = 'search'; # get the real path if file is defined $record->{filename} = search_absolute_path( $record->{filename} ) if $record->{filename}; # store record in the prog global hash (prog => pid) $prog{ $record->{'pid'} } = $record; push @pids, $record->{'pid'}; } return ( $matchcount, '' ); } # # Get the columns to display # sub get_display_cols { @displaycols = (); # Set default status for columns options tab checkboxes my %cols_status; # Add some default headings for history mode push @headings_default, 'mode' if $opt->{HISTORY}->{current}; # Determine which columns to display (all if $cols not defined) my $cols = join(",", $opt->{COLS}->{current} ) || join ',', @headings_default; my @columns = split /,/, $cols; # Re-sort selected display columns into original header order for my $heading (@headings) { if ( grep /^$heading$/, @columns ) { # Remove display of mode and filename if not history mode if ( ( ! $opt->{HISTORY}->{current} ) && $heading =~ /^(mode|filename)$/ ) { # skip } else { push @displaycols, $heading; } $cols_status{$heading} = 1; } } # Make sure we select all if no cols are specified @displaycols = @headings_default if $#displaycols < 0; # Set defaults for checkboxes $opt->{COLS}->{status} = \%cols_status; # Rebuild the hash for the checkboxes %cols_order = (); %cols_names = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#headings; $i++ ) { $cols_names{$headings[$i]} = $fieldname{$headings[$i]}; $cols_order{$i} = $headings[$i]; } return 0; } ############################################# # # Form Header # ############################################# sub form_header { my $request_host = shift; my $nextpage = shift || $cgi->param( 'NEXTPAGE' ); print $fh $cgi->start_form( -name => "formheader", -method => "POST", ); # Only highlight the 'Update Software' option if the script is writable or is not win32 my $update_element = a( { -class=>'nav darker' }, 'Update Software' ); $update_element = a( { -class=>'nav', -title=>'Update the Web PVR Manager and get_iplayer software - please restart Web PVR Manager after updating', -onClick => "if (! confirm('Please restart the Web PVR Manager service once the update has completed') ) { return false; } BackupFormVars(formheader); formheader.NEXTPAGE.value='update_script'; formheader.submit(); RestoreFormVars(formheader);", }, 'Update Software' ) if -w $0 && ! IS_WIN32; # set $class for tab selection in nav bar my $class = {}; $class->{search} = 'nav_tab'; $class->{recordings} = 'nav_tab'; $class->{pvrlist} = 'nav_tab'; $class->{pvrrun} = 'nav_tab'; $class->{update} = 'nav_tab'; $class->{search} = 'nav_tab_sel' if ( $nextpage eq 'search_progs' || ! $nextpage ) && ! $opt->{HISTORY}->{current}; $class->{recordings} = 'nav_tab_sel' if $nextpage eq 'search_history' || $opt->{HISTORY}->{current}; $class->{pvrrun} = 'nav_tab_sel' if $nextpage eq 'pvr_run'; $class->{pvrlist} = 'nav_tab_sel' if $nextpage =~ m{^(pvr_list|pvr_queue|pvr_del)$}; $class->{update} = 'nav_tab_sel' if $nextpage eq 'update_script'; print $fh div( { -class=>'nav' }, ul( { -class=>'nav' }, li( { -id=>'logo', -class=>'nav_tab' }, a( { -class=>'nav', -href=>$request_host }, img({ -class => 'nav', -title => 'get_iplayer Web PVR Manager', -width => 174, -height => 32, -src => "http://linuxcentre.net/get_iplayer/contrib/iplayer_logo.gif", -href => $request_host, }), ), ). li( { -class=>$class->{search} }, a( { -class=>'nav', -title=>'Main search page', -href => $request_host }, 'Search' ) ). li( { -class=>$class->{recordings} }, a( { -class=>'nav', -title=>'History search page', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(formheader); formheader.NEXTPAGE.value='search_history'; formheader.submit(); RestoreFormVars(formheader);" }, 'Recordings' ) ). li( { -class=>$class->{pvrlist} }, a( { -class=>'nav', -title=>'List all saved PVR searches', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(formheader); formheader.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_list'; formheader.submit(); RestoreFormVars(formheader);" }, 'PVR List' ) ). li( { -class=>$class->{pvrrun} }, a( { -class=>'nav', -title=>'Run the PVR now - wait for the PVR to complete', -onClick => "BackupFormVars(formheader); formheader.NEXTPAGE.value='pvr_run'; formheader.target='_newtab_pvrrun'; formheader.submit(); RestoreFormVars(formheader); formheader.target='';" }, 'Run PVR' ) ). li( { -class=>$class->{update} }, $update_element ). li( { -class=>'nav_tab' }, a( { -class=>'nav', -title=>'Show help and instructions', -href => "http://linuxcentre.net/projects/get_iplayer-pvr-manager/" }, 'Help' ) ) ), ); print $fh hidden( -name => 'AUTOPVRRUN', -value => $opt->{AUTOPVRRUN}->{current}, -override => 1 ); print $fh hidden( -name => 'NEXTPAGE', -value => 'search_progs', -override => 1 ); print $fh $cgi->end_form(); } # Form Footer sub form_footer { #print $fh ""; #print $fh ""; # print $fh p( b({-class=>"footer"}, sprintf( "get_iplayer Web PVR Manager v%.2f, ©2009-2010 Phil Lewis - Licensed under GPLv3", $VERSION ) )); } # End HTML sub html_end { print $fh "\n"; print $fh "\n\n"; } # Gets and sets the CGI parameters (POST/Cookie) in the $opt hash - also sets $opt{VAR}->{current} from default or POST sub process_params { # Store options definition here as hash of 'name' => [options] $opt->{SEARCH} = { title => 'Search', # Title tooltip => 'Enter your partial text match (or regex expression)', # Tooltip webvar => 'SEARCH', # webvar optkey => 'search', # option key type => 'text', # type default => '.*', # default value => 20, # width values save => 0, }; $opt->{URL} = { title => 'Quick URL', # Title tooltip => "Enter your URL for Recording (then click 'Record' or 'Play')", # Tooltip webvar => 'URL', # webvar type => 'text', # type default => '', # default value => 36, # width values save => 0, }; $opt->{SEARCHFIELDS} = { title => 'Search in', # Title tooltip => 'Select which column you wish to search', # Tooltip webvar => 'SEARCHFIELDS', # webvar optkey => 'fields', # option type => 'popup', # type label => \%fieldname, # labels default => 'name', # default value => [ (@headings,'name,episode','name,episode,desc') ], # values save => 1, }; $opt->{PAGESIZE} = { title => 'Programmes per Page', # Title tooltip => 'Select the number of search results displayed on each page', # Tooltip webvar => 'PAGESIZE', # webvar type => 'popup', # type default => 20, # default value => ['10','25','50','100','200','400'], # values onChange=> "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.PAGENO.value=1; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", save => 1, }; $opt->{SORT} = { title => 'Sort by', # Title tooltip => 'Sort the results in this order', # Tooltip webvar => 'SORT', # webvar type => 'popup', # type label => \%fieldname, # labels default => 'index', # default value => [@headings], # values onChange=> "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", save => 1, }; $opt->{REVERSE} = { title => 'Reverse sort', # Title tooltip => 'Reverse the sort order', # Tooltip webvar => 'REVERSE', # webvar type => 'radioboolean', # type #onChange=> "BackupFormVars(form); form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; form.submit(); RestoreFormVars(form);", default => '0', # value save => 1, }; $opt->{PROGTYPES} = { title => 'Programme type', # Title tooltip => 'Select the programme types you wish to search', # Tooltip webvar => 'PROGTYPES', # webvar optkey => 'type', # option type => 'multiboolean', # type label => \%prog_types, # labels default => 'tv', #status => \%type, # default status value => \%prog_types_order, # order of values save => 1, }; $opt->{MODES} = { title => 'Recording Modes', # Title tooltip => 'Comma separated list of recording modes which should be tried in order', # Tooltip webvar => 'MODES', # webvar optkey => 'modes', # option type => 'text', # type default => 'flashaachigh,flashaacstd,flashaudio,flashhigh,flashstd,flashnormal,realaudio,flashaaclow', # default value => 30, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{OUTPUT} = { title => 'Override Recordings Folder', # Title tooltip => 'Folder on the server where recordings should be saved', # Tooltip webvar => 'OUTPUT', # webvar optkey => 'output', # option type => 'text', # type default => '', # default value => 30, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{PROXY} = { title => 'Web Proxy URL', # Title tooltip => 'e.g.', # Tooltip webvar => 'PROXY', # webvar optkey => 'proxy', # option type => 'text', # type default => '', # default value => 30, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{VERSIONLIST} = { title => 'Programme Version', # Title tooltip => 'Comma separated list of versions to try to record in order (e.g. default,signed,audiodescribed)', # Tooltip webvar => 'VERSIONLIST', # webvar optkey => 'versionlist', # option type => 'text', # type default => 'default', # default value => 30, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{EXCLUDE} = { title => 'Exclude Programmes', # Title tooltip => 'Comma separated list of programmes to exclude. Partial word matches are supported', # Tooltip webvar => 'EXCLUDE', # webvar optkey => 'exclude', # option type => 'text', # type default => '', # default value => 30, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{CATEGORY} = { title => 'Categories Containing', # Title tooltip => 'Comma separated list of categories to match. Partial word matches are supported', # Tooltip webvar => 'CATEGORY', # webvar optkey => 'category', # option type => 'text', # type default => '', # default value => 30, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{EXCLUDECATEGORY} = { title => 'Exclude Categories Containing', # Title tooltip => 'Comma separated list of categories to exclude. Partial word matches are supported', # Tooltip webvar => 'EXCLUDECATEGORY', # webvar optkey => 'excludecategory', # option type => 'text', # type default => '', # default value => 30, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{CHANNEL} = { title => 'Channels Containing', # Title tooltip => 'Comma separated list of channels to match. Partial word matches are supported', # Tooltip webvar => 'CHANNEL', # webvar optkey => 'channel', # option type => 'text', # type default => '', # default value => 30, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{EXCLUDECHANNEL} = { title => 'Exclude Channels Containing', # Title tooltip => 'Comma separated list of channels to exclude. Partial word matches are supported', # Tooltip webvar => 'EXCLUDECHANNEL', # webvar optkey => 'excludechannel', # option type => 'text', # type default => '', # default value => 30, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{HIDE} = { title => 'Hide Recorded', # Title tooltip => 'Whether to hide programmes that have already been successfully recorded', # Tooltip webvar => 'HIDE', # webvar optkey => 'hide', # option type => 'radioboolean', # type default => '0', # value save => 1, }; $opt->{FORCE} = { title => 'Force Recording', # Title tooltip => "Ignore the history and re-record a programme (Please delete the existing recording first). Doesn't apply to PVR Searches or 'Add Series'", # Tooltip webvar => 'FORCE', # webvar optkey => 'force', # option type => 'radioboolean', # type default => '0', # value save => 1, }; $opt->{REFRESHFUTURE} = { title => 'Refresh Future Schedule', # Title tooltip => "When Refresh is clicked also get the future programme schedule. This will take a longer time to index.", # Tooltip webvar => 'REFRESHFUTURE', # webvar optkey => 'refreshfuture', # option type => 'radioboolean', # type default => '0', # value save => 1, }; my %metadata_labels = ( ''=>'Off', xbmc=>'XBMC Episode nfo format', xbmc_movie=>'XBMC Movie nfo format', generic=>'Generic XML', freevo=>'Freevo FXD' ); $opt->{METADATA} = { title => 'Download Meta-data', # Title tooltip => 'Format of metadata file to create when recording', # Tooltip webvar => 'METADATA', # webvar optkey => 'metadata', # option type => 'popup', # type #label => \%fieldname, # labels label => \%metadata_labels, # labels default => '', # default value => [ ( '', 'xbmc', 'xbmc_movie', 'generic', 'freevo' ) ], # values save => 1, }; $opt->{SUBTITLES} = { title => 'Download Subtitles', # Title tooltip => 'Whether to download the subtitles when recording', # Tooltip webvar => 'SUBTITLES', # webvar optkey => 'subtitles', # option type => 'radioboolean', # type default => '0', # value save => 1, }; $opt->{THUMB} = { title => 'Download Thumbnail', # Title tooltip => 'Whether to download the thumbnail when recording', # Tooltip webvar => 'THUMB', # webvar optkey => 'thumb', # option type => 'radioboolean', # type default => '0', # value save => 1, }; $opt->{AUTOWEBREFRESH} = { title => 'Auto-Refresh Cache Interval', # Title tooltip => 'Automatically refresh the default caches in another browser tab (hours)', # Tooltip webvar => 'AUTOWEBREFRESH', # webvar type => 'text', # type default => 1, # default value => 3, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{AUTOPVRRUN} = { title => 'Auto-Run PVR Interval', # Title tooltip => 'Automatically run the PVR in another browser tab (hours)', # Tooltip webvar => 'AUTOPVRRUN', # webvar type => 'text', # type default => 4, # default value => 3, # width values save => 1, }; $opt->{HISTORY} = { title => 'Search History', # Title tooltip => 'Whether to display and search programmes in the recordings history', # Tooltip webvar => 'HISTORY', # webvar optkey => 'history', # option type => 'boolean', # type default => '0', # value save => 0, }; $opt->{FUTURE} = { title => 'Search Future Schedule', # Title tooltip => 'Whether to additionally display and search programmes in the future programmes schedule (will only work if Refresh future schedule option is enable and refreshed)', # Tooltip webvar => 'FUTURE', # webvar optkey => 'future', # option type => 'radioboolean', # type default => '0', # value save => 1, }; $opt->{SINCE} = { title => 'Added Since (hours)', # Title tooltip => 'Only show programmes added to the local programmes cache in the past number of hours', # Tooltip webvar => 'SINCE', # webvar optkey => 'since', # option type => 'text', # type value => 3, # width values default => '', save => 1, }; $opt->{BEFORE} = { title => 'Added Before (hours)', # Title tooltip => 'Only show programmes added to the local programmes cache over this number of hours ago', # Tooltip webvar => 'BEFORE', # webvar optkey => 'before', # option type => 'text', # type value => 3, # width values default => '', save => 1, }; $opt->{PVRHOLDOFF} = { title => 'PVR Hold off period (hours)', # Title tooltip => 'Wait this number of hours before allowing the PVR to record a programme. This sometimes helps when the flashhd version is delayed in being made available.', # Tooltip webvar => 'PVRHOLDOFF', # webvar optkey => 'before', # option type => 'text', # type value => 3, # width values default => '', save => 1, }; my %vsize_labels = ( ''=>'Native', '1280x720'=>'1280x720', '832x468'=>'832x468', '640x360'=>'640x360', '512x288'=>'512x288', '480x272'=>'480x272', '320x176'=>'320x176', '176x96'=>'176x96' ); $opt->{VSIZE} = { title => 'Remote Streaming Video Size', # Title tooltip => "Video size 'x' to transcode remotely played files - leave blank for native size", # Tooltip webvar => 'VSIZE', # webvar type => 'popup', # type label => , \%vsize_labels, # labels default => '', # default value => [ (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %vsize_labels) ], # values save => 1, }; $opt->{BITRATE} = { title => 'Remote Audio Bitrate', # Title tooltip => 'Remote Audio Bitrate (in kbps) to transcode remotely played files - leave blank for native bitrate', # Tooltip webvar => 'BITRATE', # webvar type => 'text', # type value => 3, # width values default => '', save => 1, }; $opt->{VFR} = { title => 'Remote Video Frame Rate', # Title tooltip => 'Remote Video Frame Rate (in frames per second) to transcode remotely played files - leave blank for native framerate', # Tooltip webvar => 'VFR', # webvar type => 'text', # type value => 2, # width values default => '', save => 1, }; my %streamtype_labels = ( ''=>'Auto', 'none'=>'Disable Transcoding', 'flv'=>'Flash Video (flv)', 'mov'=>'Quicktime (mov)', 'asf'=>'Advanced Streaming Format (asf)', 'avi'=>'AVI', 'mp3'=>'MP3 (Audio Only)', 'aac'=>'AAC (Audio Only)', 'wav'=>'WAV (Audio Only)', 'flac'=>'FLAC (Audio Only)' ); $opt->{STREAMTYPE} = { title => "Remote Streaming type", # Title tooltip => "Force the output to be this type when using 'Play Remote' for 'PlayDirect' streaming(e.g. flv, mov). Specify 'none' to disable transcoding/remuxing. Leave blank for auto-detection", # Tooltip webvar => 'STREAMTYPE', # webvar type => 'popup', # type label => , \%streamtype_labels, # labels default => '', # default value => [ '', 'none', 'flv', 'mov', 'asf', 'avi', 'mp3', 'aac', 'wav', 'flac' ], # values onChange=> "form.submit();", save => 1, }; # Whether to hide deleted programmes from the Recordings display. $opt->{HIDEDELETED} = { title => 'Hide Deleted Recordings', # Title tooltip => 'Whether to hide deleted programmes from the recordings history list', # Tooltip webvar => 'HIDEDELETED', # webvar optkey => 'skipdeleted', # option type => 'radioboolean', # type default => 0, # value save => 1, }; # Which columns to display $opt->{COLS} = { title => 'Enable Columns', # Title tooltip => 'Select the columns you wish to display', # Tooltip webvar => 'COLS', # webvar #optkey => 'type', # option type => 'multiboolean', # type label => \%cols_names, # labels #status => \%cols_status, # default status value => \%cols_order, # order of values save => 1, }; # Make sure we go to the correct nextpage for processing $opt->{NEXTPAGE} = { webvar => 'NEXTPAGE', type => 'hidden', default => 'search_progs', save => 0, }; # Make sure we go to the correct nextpage for processing $opt->{ACTION} = { webvar => 'ACTION', type => 'hidden', default => '', save => 0, }; # Make sure we go to the correct next page no. $opt->{PAGENO} = { webvar => 'PAGENO', type => 'hidden', default => 1, save => 0, }; # Remeber the status of the tab options display for my $tabname ( grep !/BASICTAB/, @{ $layout->{taborder} } ) { my $default = 'no'; # By default only show advanced search tab $default = 'yes' if $tabname eq 'SEARCHTAB'; $opt->{$tabname} = { webvar => $tabname, # webvar type => 'hidden', # type default => $default, # value save => 0, }; } # Save the status of the Advanced Search options and preferences settings $opt->{SAVE} = { webvar => 'SAVE', # webvar type => 'hidden', # type default => '0', # value save => 0, }; # INFO for page info if clicked $opt->{INFO} = { webvar => 'INFO', type => 'hidden', default => 0, save => 0, }; # Go through each of the options defined above for ( keys %{ $opt } ) { # Ignore cookies if we are saving new ones if ( not $cgi->param('SAVE') ) { if ( defined $cgi->param($_) ) { print $se "DEBUG: GOT Param $_ = ".$cgi->param($_)."\n" if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; $opt->{$_}->{current} = join ",", $cgi->param($_); } elsif ( defined $cgi->cookie($_) ) { print $se "DEBUG: GOT Cookie $_ = ".$cgi->cookie($_)."\n" if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; $opt->{$_}->{current} = join ",", $cgi->cookie($_); } else { $opt->{$_}->{current} = join ",", $opt->{$_}->{default}; } print $se "DEBUG: Using $_ = $opt->{$_}->{current}\n--\n" if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; } else { $opt->{$_}->{current} = join(",", $cgi->param($_) ) || $opt->{$_}->{default} if not defined $opt->{$_}->{current}; } } } ###################################################################### # # begin_html # # Send HTTP headers to browser # Sets "title", Sends and flags # ###################################################################### sub begin_html { my $request_host = shift; my $mimetype = 'text/html'; # Save settings if selected my @cookies; if ( $cgi->param('SAVE') ) { print $se "DEBUG: Sending cookies\n"; for ( %{ $opt } ) { # skip if opt not allowed to be saved next if not $opt->{$_}->{save}; my $cookie = $cgi->cookie( -name=>$_, -value=>$opt->{$_}->{current}, -expires=>'+1y' ); push @cookies, $cookie; print $se "DEBUG: Sending cookie: $cookie\n" if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; } # Ensure SAVE state is reset to off $opt->{SAVE}->{current} = 0; } # Send the headers to the browser my $headers = $cgi->header( -type => $mimetype, -charset => 'utf-8', -cookie => [@cookies], ); print $se "\nHEADERS:\n$headers\n" if $opt_cmdline->{debug}; # Build body element and page title differently depending on the type of page # Load the refresh tab if required my $body_element; my $title; my $autorefresh = $cgi->cookie( 'AUTOWEBREFRESH' ) || $cgi->param( 'AUTOWEBREFRESH' ); my $autopvrrun = $cgi->cookie( 'AUTOPVRRUN' ) || $cgi->param( 'AUTOPVRRUN' ); if ( $autorefresh && $cgi->param( 'NEXTPAGE' ) eq 'refresh' ) { $body_element = "{PROGTYPES}->{current}', ".(1000*3600*$autorefresh)." );\">"; $title = 'Refreshing Cache: get_iplayer Web PVR Manager'; } elsif ( $autopvrrun && $cgi->param( 'NEXTPAGE' ) eq 'pvr_run' ) { $body_element = ""; $title = 'Running PVR: get_iplayer Web PVR Manager'; } else { $body_element = "\n"; $title = sprintf "get_iplayer Web PVR Manager v%.2f", $VERSION; } # Write out the page http and html headers print $fh $headers; print $fh ''."\n"; print $fh ""; print $fh "$title\n"; insert_stylesheet(); print $fh "\n"; insert_javascript(); print $fh $body_element; } ############################################# # # Javascript Functions here # ############################################# sub insert_javascript { print $fh < function RefreshTab(url, time, force ) { if ( force ) { window.location.href = url; } setTimeout( "RefreshTab('" + url + "'," + time + ", 1 )", time ); } // global hash table for saving copy of form var form_backup = {}; // // Copy all non-grouped form values into a global hash // function BackupFormVars( form ) { // empty out array for(var key in form_backup) { delete( form_backup[key] ); } // copy forms elements var elem = form.elements; for(var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) { // exclude radio and checkbox types - can be duplicate names in groups... if ( elem[i].type != "checkbox" && elem[i].type != "radio" ) { form_backup[ elem[i].name ] = elem[i].value; } } } // // Copy all form values in the global hash into the specified form // function RestoreFormVars( form ) { // copy form elements for(var key in form_backup) { form.elements[ key ].value = form_backup[key]; // delete element delete( form_backup[key] ); } } // // Hide show an element (and modify the text of the button/label) // e.g. document.getElementById('advanced_opts').style.display='table'; // // Usage: show_options_tab( SELECTEDID, [ 'TAB1', 'TAB2' ] ); // Displays first tab in list or tab suffixes // tab_TAB1 is the table element // option_TAB1 is the form variable // button_TAB1 is the label // function show_options_tab( selectedid, tabs ) { // selected tab element var selected_tab = document.getElementById( 'tab_' + selectedid ); // Loop through the above tab elements for(var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { var li = document.getElementById( 'li_' + tabs[i] ); var tab = document.getElementById( 'tab_' + tabs[i] ); var option = document.getElementById( 'option_' + tabs[i] ); var button = document.getElementById( 'button_' + tabs[i] ); if ( tab == selected_tab ) { tab.style.display = 'table-cell'; tab.style.visibility = 'visible'; option.value = 'yes'; //button.innerHTML = '- ' + button.innerHTML.substring(2); button.style.color = '#F54997'; //li.style.borderBottom = '0px solid #666'; li.className = 'options_tab_sel'; } else { tab.style.display = 'none'; tab.style.visibility = 'collapse'; option.value = 'no'; //button.innerHTML = '+ ' + button.innerHTML.substring(2); button.style.color = '#ADADAD'; //li.style.borderBottom = '1px solid #666'; li.className = 'options_tab'; } } return true; } // // Check/Uncheck all checkboxes named // function check_toggle(f, name) { var empty_fields = ""; var errors = ""; var check; if (f.SELECTOR.checked == true) { check = 1; } else { check = 0; } // Loop through the elements of the form for(var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { var e = f.elements[i]; if (e.type == "checkbox" && e.name == name) { if (check == 1) { // First check if the box is checked (don't check a disabled box) if(e.checked == false && e.disabled == false) { e.checked = true; } } else { // First check if the box is not checked if(e.checked == true) { e.checked = false; } } } } return true; } // // Warn if none of the checkboxes named are selected // function check_if_selected(f, name) { // Loop through the elements of the form for(var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { var e = f.elements[i]; if (e.type == "checkbox" && e.name == name && e.checked == true) { return true; } } return false; } // // Disable checkboxes named that are selected // function disable_selected_checkboxes(f, name) { var empty_fields = ""; var errors = ""; var check; // Loop through the elements of the form for(var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { var e = f.elements[i]; if (e.type == "checkbox" && e.name == name) { // First check if the box is checked if(e.checked == true) { e.checked = false; e.disabled = true; } } } return true; } // // Submit Search only if enter is pressed from a textfield // Called as: onKeyDown="return submitonEnter(event);" // function submitonEnter(evt){ var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode if ( charCode == "13" ) { document.form.NEXTPAGE.value='search_progs'; document.form.PAGENO.value=1; document.form.submit(); } } EOF } ############################################# # # CSS1 Styles here # ############################################# sub insert_stylesheet { print $fh < .pointer { cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } .pointer:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .pointer_noul { cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } .extra_border { border-left: 2px solid #666; } .all_borders { border-left: 2px solid #666; border-right: 2px solid #666; border-top: 2px solid #666; border-bottom: 2px solid #666; } .darker { color: #7D7D7D; } #logo { width: 190px; border-width: 0 0 1px 0; } #underline { text-decoration: underline; } #nowrap { white-space: nowrap; } #smaller80pc { font-size: 80%; } BODY { color: #FFF; background: black; font-size: 90%; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; } IMG { border: 0; } INPUT { border: 0 none; background: #ddd; } A { color: #FFF; text-decoration: none; } A:hover { text-decoration: none; } TABLE.title { font-size: 150%; border-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; } A.title { color: #F54997; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; } /* Nav bar */ DIV.nav { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; background-color: #000; color: #FFF; } UL.nav { cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; padding-left: 0px; background-color: #000; font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; height: 44px; margin: 0; margin-left: 0px; list-style-image: none; overflow: hidden; } LI.nav_tab { padding-left: 0px; border-top: 1px solid #444; border-left: 1px solid #444; border-right: 1px solid #444; border-bottom: 1px solid #888; display: inline; float: left; height: 42px; margin: 0; width: 13%; } LI.nav_tab_sel { padding-left: 0px; border-top: 1px solid #888; border-left: 1px solid #888; border-right: 1px solid #888; border-bottom: 0px solid #888; display: inline; float: left; height: 42px; margin: 0; width: 13%; } A.nav { display: block; height: 42px; line-height: 42px; text-align: center; } IMG.nav { padding: 7px; display: block; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; } A.nav:hover { color: #ADADAD; } TABLE.header { font-size: 80%; border-spacing: 1px; padding: 0; } INPUT.header { font-size: 80%; } SELECT.header { font-size: 80%; } TABLE.types { font-size: 70%; text-align: left; border-spacing: 0px; padding: 0; } TR.types { white-space: nowrap; } TD.types { width: 20px } TABLE.options_embedded { font-size: 100%; text-align: left; border-spacing: 0px; padding: 0; white-space: nowrap; } TR.options_embedded { white-space: nowrap; } TH.options_embedded { width: 20px } TD.options_embedded { width: 20px } /*DIV.options { padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; background-color: #000; color: #FFF; }*/ /* options_tab */ UL.options_tab { text-align: left; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; list-style-type: none; display: inline; padding-left: 0px; background-color: #000; font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; height: 24px; margin: 0; margin-left: 0px; list-style-image: none; overflow: hidden; } /* selected tab button */ LI.options_tab_sel { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-top: 2px; border-top: 1px solid #888; display: inline; float: left; border-left: 1px solid #888; border-right: 1px solid #888; border-bottom: 0px solid #888; margin: 0; margin-left: 0px; margin-bottom: 5px; } /* unselected tab button */ LI.options_tab { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-top: 2px; border-top: 1px solid #444; display: inline; float: left; border-left: 1px solid #444; border-right: 1px solid #444; border-bottom: 1px solid #888; margin: 0; margin-left: 0px; margin-bottom: 5px; } /* unselected tab button */ LI.options_button { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-top: 2px; border-top: 1px solid #888; display: inline; float: left; border-left: 1px solid #888; border-right: 1px solid #888; border-bottom: 1px solid #888; margin: 0; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } TABLE.options { font-size: 100%; text-align: left; border-spacing: 0px; padding: 0; white-space: nowrap; } TR.options { white-space: nowrap; } TH.options { padding-right: 4px; text-align: left; } TD.options { } LABEL.options { font-size: 100%; } INPUT.options[type="radio"],INPUT.options[type="checkbox"] { font-size: 100%; background:none; } INPUT.options { font-size: 100%; } SELECT.options { font-size: 100%; } TABLE.options_outer { font-size: 70%; text-align: left; border-spacing: 0px 0px; padding: 0; white-space: nowrap; overflow: visible; table-layout: fixed; } TR.options_outer { vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap; } TH.options_outer { } TD.options_outer { padding-right: 50px; } LABEL.options_outer { font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%; color: #F54997; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; } LABEL.options_heading { font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; color: #CCC; } /* Action bar */ DIV.action { padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; background-color: #000; color: #FFF; } UL.action { padding-left: 0px; background-color: #000; font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; height: 24px; margin: 0; margin-left: 0px; list-style-image: none; overflow: hidden; } LI.action { cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; padding-left: 0px; border-top: 1px solid #888; border-left: 1px solid #666; border-right: 1px solid #666; border-bottom: 1px solid #666; display: inline; float: left; height: 22px; margin: 0; margin-left: 2px; width: 13.0%; } A.action { color: #FFF; display: block; height: 42px; line-height: 22px; text-align: center; } IMG.action { padding: 7px; display: block; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; } A.action:hover { color: #ADADAD; } TABLE.pagetrail { font-size: 70%; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; border-spacing: 10px 0; padding: 0px; } #centered { height:20px; margin:0px auto 0; position: relative; } LABEL.pagetrail { color: #FFF; } LABEL.pagetrail-current { color: #F54997; } TABLE.colselect { font-size: 70%; color: #fff; background: #333; border-spacing: 2px; padding: 0; } TR.colselect { text-align: left; } TH.colselect { font-weight: bold; } INPUT.colselect { font-size: 70%; } LABEL.colselect { font-size: 70%; } TABLE.search { font-size: 70%; color: #fff; background: #333; border-spacing: 2px; padding: 0; width: 100%; } TABLE.searchhead { font-size: 110%; border-spacing: 0px; padding: 0; width: 100%; } TR.search { background: #444; } TR.search:hover { background: #555; } TH.search { color: #FFF; text-align: center; background: #000; text-align: center; } TD.search { text-align: left; } A.search { } LABEL.search { text-decoration: none; } INPUT.search { font-size: 70%; background: none; } LABEL.sorted { color: #CFC; } LABEL.unsorted { color: #FFF; } LABEL.sorted_reverse { color: #FCC; } INPUT.edit { font-size: 100%; background: #DDD; } TABLE.info { font-size: 70%; color: #fff; background: #333; border-spacing: 2px; padding: 0; } TR.info { background: #444; } TR.info:hover { background: #555; } TH.info { color: #FFF; text-align: center; background: #000; text-align: center; } TD.info { text-align: left; } A.info { text-decoration: underline; } A.info:hover { } B.footer { font-size: 70%; color: #777; font-weight: normal; } EOF }